[lit-ideas] Re: calling all freelancers

  • From: Robert Paul <robert.paul@xxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 15 Apr 2005 23:02:32 -0700

Andreas Ramos wrote:

> If Lexis-Nexis (or, as a friend calls it: Lexus-Nexis) (or any of the online 
> DBs) has copied 
> your emails and has it available in their database, then yes, you could be a 
> winner. This 
> doesn't mean "in print", i.e., on paper. It means "in their online collection 
> of articles, 
> which those companies have been selling for many years."

Well, or course freelists.org has archives but I don't know if they 
qualify as a database. (Not the self: check with Mirembe about 
plural/singular discrepancy here.) I looked in Reed's LexisNexis 
database, but couldn't bring up a reference to lit-ideas or to 
freelists. This version of LN is called LexisNexis Academic, though 
which suggests that it's more narrowly selective than the original. But 
I'll keep looking. It sounds worthwhile.

My accountant says that although an endowed chair would be 'a touching 
idea' it would be more prudent to incorporate myself and issue stock 
options to list members. I'm sending Andreas the wire transfer number of 
the Sheepskin Bank and Trust under separate cover.

Robert Paul
Citroën Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Mutton College
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