[lit-ideas] Re: You Tube of Ayers speaking

  • From: Eric Yost <mr.eric.yost@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 09 Sep 2008 03:07:32 -0400

Lawrence: They believe our economy is evil, or
government is evil, our military is evil. We are
the most evil violent nation in the world.

This "US is evil" shtik collapses into fuzzyland.
Not that I bristle at fuzzyland, since I enjoy
wafting as much as Walter does. Just that ... you
know ... it's Tuesday, and I'd like to know what
kind of evil we're up to today.

Depending on the speaker, "US is evil" could mean
that the US is, not just in instances, but in its
totality and with consistent intent:

* diabolical, satanic, unholy [Islamic radicals of
the Ayatollah-you-so variety]

* harmful [militant ecologists from the
Monkeywrench Gang]

* morally wrong in principle and/or practice
[those who evaluate the US solely on their
absolute moral context without reference to the
competing claims of other nations or their actions]

My imagination cannot even encompass the natures
of the people on my block, let alone this strange
country I was born to watch change. So I contend
that the US is a mirror, slowly leaking its silver
over the generations, in dialog with an open window.

A pure product,
W. Aft

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