[lit-ideas] Re: Willie Pete, well, okay, a little bit

  • From: Judy Evans <judithevans1@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 16 Nov 2005 14:56:49 +0000

Wednesday, November 16, 2005, 2:36:09 PM, Eric Yost wrote:

EY> Citation of the level of Iraqi conscripts from a British reporter:

EY> A British correspondent, Stephen Sackur, happened to come across 
EY> the remains of an Iraqi convoy that had "panicked, seizing any 
EY> vehicle that looked capable of taking them to Iraq before the 
EY> Allies could close in." The scale of the American attack on this 
EY> helpless convoy appalled him:

EY>      Was it necessary to bomb the entire convoy? What threat 
EY> could these pathetic remnants of Saddam Hussein's beaten army 
EY> have posed? Wasn't it obvious that the people of the convoy would 
EY> have given themselves up willingly without the application of 
EY> such ferocious weaponry? The hundreds who, by some miracle, did 
EY> survive were duly taken prisoner.

Who did this unnecessary bombing, Eric?

They included *two women* and a
EY> *child*

members of a conscript army?

I'll try once more then give up.  People here are not saying Saddam
wasn't a criminal and a mass murderer.  Your yelling that he was is

Judy Evans, Cardiff, UK

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