[lit-ideas] Re: What should we call this war?

  • From: Omar Kusturica <omarkusto@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 23 Feb 2006 11:39:46 -0800 (PST)

All this confusion over what the war should be called
proves that the US government needed a war for
political reasons, and was looking for enemies later.
It began with the war on terrorism (Al-Queda), then it
spread to the states that support terrorism
(Afghanistan), then it spread to states that don't
support terrorism but allegedly develop weapons of
mass destruction(Iraq), now it is a war against
Islamism (Iran and until further notice). The clerics
in Iran may be vaguely characterized as Islamists but
they have very little in common with the Sunni
Islamists that attacked you on 9/11. In the same time
that you want to attack them, the US have brought Shia
Islamists into power in Iraq and Iraq might well be
drifting toward civil war as we are having this
discussion. It really doesn't look like the US knows
who it is fighting against or what it is fighting for.

Until you and Eric can get the things a bit more
clear, I would propose that this is a war for energy
and global domination, and it is really a bid by the
US with a couple of allies (Israel, Britain and
possibly India, though this remains to be seen) to
take control of the major world's energy resources
before the emerging rival power centres (China, the
EU, and to some extent Russia) build up. The belief is
that the one who controls the energy resources has
world domination in hand. The Middle East is the site
of the battlefield because that's where the plunder
is, i.e. the oil and in time the natural gas might
also become important. There are no really powerful
armies in the Middle East and very few weapons of mass
destruction (except in Israel's hands) so the US and
its allies have a vast advantage, though the Islamist
terrorism does create some problems. I would like to
believe that Islamism has the political potential to
thwart these plans, but at this point I am not sure.
There is my view in brief.


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