[lit-ideas] Re: What should we call this war?

  • From: "JUDITH EVANS" <judithevans1@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 23 Feb 2006 19:11:54 -0000

(My apologies to any list member who prefers plain text mail; when I convert
posts into it, the formatting goes haywire.)

LH>The Bush administration probably didn't want to declare War
LH>against Militant Islam, aka Islamism,  aka Fundamentalist Islam

Terms which you, wrongly, conflate.

>The Islamist ideology is well known.

Your ensuing comments show that there is no one Islamist ideology

>Another similarity with the Cold War is that our press has been preempted.
It has taken sides >with the enemy,

This is quite simply nonsense: even in the UK, where the press is though
legally less free than yours, very lively and outspoken indeed, it is
nonsense.  Cite, Lawrence, *cite*.

(I thought Teemu's post was good; my apologies for not saying so before.)

Judy Evans, Cardiff
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