[lit-ideas] Re: The Piano Man

  • From: Eric Yost <mr.eric.yost@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 23 Aug 2005 17:10:16 -0400

Stan: I've read the Murray article -- and it doesn't even begin to explain why the Bridge response has been rejected. It's a lousy source to turn to.

Eric: Granted, Murray and Murray can be gnomic, unfathomable, and unnecessarily lapidary. Plus the writing style is difficult. And indeed, much is left unanswered.

For example, is Murray and Murray one person or two?* And is it necessary to know Piaget in order to have an unconscious? If so, how well does one have to know Piaget?**

To me it's obvious that we have no idea what's going on in our minds. Otherwise we wouldn't all be insane. Whether a therapist can bring this repressed material to the surface and, indeed, what the surface is a surface of, remains sublimely inscrutable.

As for word play and puns, it's been shown that it takes a writer at least a dozen puns to get one published.*** Hardly worth the trouble of having an unknown mind is it?

* See Klopstock, Gervin, "Take it to the Bridge(s): Segue in the Bridges of Madison County," Lit-Ideas Press, Fresno, 2005.

**See Tyner, McCoy, "To No-no-no You," American Bodybuilder, May, 1998.

***See Weary, Theoreticus, "No Pun In Ten Did: Failure in Publication Rates of Literary Pranks, Puns, and Anagrams," Newsweek, December, 1941.

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