[lit-ideas] Re: Hezbollah is here in U.S.

  • From: "Andy Amago" <aamago@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 20 Jul 2006 09:49:17 -0400

We may have a competent U.S. military, but we'll never know because of the 
civilians who are running it, as the Constitution says they should.  It wasn't 
a case of not being gentle, it was a case of acting out of a clueless 
ideological haze.  Saddam was a counterbalance to Iran.  We supported and armed 
him for a reason.  That hardly inspires visions of gentleness.  Saddam 
patterned himself on Stalin, hardly an Islamist.   Even if Saddam supported 
Militant Islam, an assertion similar to the U.S. felling the USSR, Saddam 
supported the Islamists with what?  Palaces?  He had no weapons and the 
sanctions had him collared, even if at great expense to the Iraqi people, a 
time that was a paradise compared to what they have now.

When asked about illegal aliens you once said "yawn".  It's okay to change your 

The Wahhabis are not nice people, but there are plenty of not nice people in 
the world.  To run around exterminating them all is unrealistic and 
counterproductive.  To even use the word exterminate is to ally yourself with 
Stalin or Saddam or anyone who advocates genocide.  There's always a reason 
given for genocide.  

Our enemy is big business' ownership of Congress that insists on open borders; 
extreme debt and empty pockets that keep us beholden to others; tax cuts for 
the wealthy while the country goes sharecropper (Warren Buffett's words, not 
mine); a reliance on foreign oil (more big business ownership of Congress; our 
president is an oil man); and other things that the Wahhabis are a distraction 
from.  Had we been fixing up our own country instead of running around the 
world trying to dominate it, things would be different.  Do I sound like a 
Conservative?  I guess I do.  Also, we need a president who actually likes this 
country instead of putting his affiliation with the global ultra wealthy elite, 
a president who will spearhead programs to support the country instead of 
eviscerate it, like not giving away the treasury, like not insisting on tearing 
down SS, like reining in pharma instead of telling them to help themselves to 
taxpayers' money, and on and on.  

For Stan, I don't have time to read the article now but, yes, I have heard that 
Egypt, Jordan and Saudi Arabia are afraid of the fundamentalists.  That's all 
the more reason to wonder why there was a military response instead of taking 
advantage of this fear and using it to mutual advantage.  Stranger alliances 
have happened in the past.  Did the military-solution-to-everything, don't 
talk, just hit, climate make it a desirable option?   Or might it be part of 
the living out of a mythology, the Israelis as some sort of breed of superior 
warrior?  Mythologies and ideologies are dangerous things.  Forcing people to 
do things, even when it's possible, is much less effective than getting people 
to do things because they want to.  That's stating the obvious, but obviously 
not so obvious since it is unknown to the powers that be.  All right, that's 
it, gotta go.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Lawrence Helm 
To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: 7/20/2006 1:44:57 AM 
Subject: [lit-ideas] Re: Hezbollah is here in U.S.


Prior to our invasion of Iraq, I discussed Sandra Mackey?s book.  She argued 
that Saddam kept the Shiites and Kurds dominated with domestic terror and that 
if we conquered it that would be our greatest challenge -- to create something 
that would work as well.  She argued that the Shiites might take the 
opportunity to get even for the years of Saddam?s tyrannical abuse.  Iraq was 
the shame of the Middle east and also, according to Paul Berman, the shame of 
Liberals who didn?t support his removal.  Yes, the Sunni?s are the resurgents.  
Yes, they did much better when Saddam was running things.  Yes, they would like 
to be in control again.  Yes, some of them feel they have nothing to lose by 
fighting on.  Yes, many of them are happy Al Quaeda is helping them. All this 
is well known.  Nevertheless, Saddam was a major force in Militant Islam.  For 
many reasons he was a prominent player.  Removing Saddam was a blow to Militant 

I notice that right after a note in which I indicated that I favored diplomacy 
you say ?war as a first resort, which of course you favor.?  Do you wonder that 
I say you don?t pay any attention to what I write?  (Or is this your split 
personality at work?) 

The U.S. using Israel to attack Iran?  This is the sort of thing an extreme 
Leftist or an Islamist would say.  In their conspiracy theories they spend half 
their time saying that the U.S. runs Israel and the other half that Israel runs 
the U.S.  It is all nonsense Irene.  If you want to say Iran is running 
Hezbollah you would be onto something.  The U.S. can influence Israel up to a 
point, but they can?t tell Israel not to defend itself.  

Irene.  Good grief.  Hezbollah was lobbing rockets into Israel.  They invaded 
Lebanon to stop Hezbollah?s attack.  There was a treaty that specified that 
Lebanon would not allow a terrorist organization on its soil to do just what 
Hezbollah is doing.  Through Syria?s influence Lebanon backed out of the treaty 
that Lebanon and Israel signed.  There wasn?t anything Israel really wanted to 
do about it until Hezbollah attacked them.  Israel has a policy of trying to 
get their soldiers back at all cost, but the primary reason for the invasion is 
that Hezbollah has been bombing the heck out of Israel with rockets.

Iran is already in the regional conflict.  Iran created Hezbollah. They armed 
it and financed it.

You talk about my understanding being skewed.  What is the superior standpoint 
from which you make that judgment?  I have heard very little about your 
reading.  How is it that you know the truth while I struggle along in my skewed 
ignorance trying to read one expert after another only to be deceived time and 
time and end up skewered by Irene? 

Back to reality: get your focus off of 9/11.  We are at war not with the 
perpetrator?s of 9/11 but with MILITANT ISLAM!  You denigrate the ideology that 
began with the Wahhabis, but when you do that you cut yourself off from 
understanding.  You won?t understand MILITANT ISLAM until you read its history, 
especially its ideologists.  Reading these ideologists isn?t going to skew you. 
 It is going to tell you what every Militant Islamist knows and you don?t.  It 
will tell you why they are dead set on conquering first Arabia (Saddam was an 
ardent Pan-Arabist) and then moving outward conquering all the land that they 
lost to the infidel and then outward still until the entire world bows its knee 
to Allah

You think we are militarily incompetent?  You live in a world of Leftist 
denial.  We have the most competent military that has ever existed and this can 
be demonstrated by any objective standard.  Our wars in the Middle East were 
models of text-book efficiency.  What you want to criticize is our mistaken 
gentleness with the survivors.  Although you would almost certainly be 
criticizing something else if we were ruthless with them.  The administration 
probably thought it was the politically correct thing to be gentle and give 
them a chance to join the Iraqi democracy.  That gentleness hasn?t born fruit.  

Also, you overrate stability.  A stable Iraq and Afghanistan bent upon doing us 
or our allies harm is far worse (from our strategic standpoint) than an 
unstable Iraq and Afghanistan incapable of doing us harm.

As to our borders, I hear terrorists are entering our country over our borders. 
 And in previous notes I said let?s close them off!  You commented about that 
Irene.  You accused me of changing my mind, but now you say ?yet you see none 
of this.?  Was it one of your split personalities who commented upon my earlier 
note, remarking that I had changed my mind and a different personality which 
now says I am opposed to preventing terrorists entering? 

You say you are going to stop ?with reality.?  Irene, I am quite convinced that 
you are stopping well short of that.


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