[lit-ideas] Re: Erin's Course Dilemma

  • From: Michael Chase <goya@xxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 19 Jan 2005 08:13:36 +0100

Le 18 janv. 05, =E0 18:40, Phil Enns a =E9crit :

> For Nietzsche, then, truth is not something that can be rejected or
> denied.

M.C. I guess Phil forgot to read the quotes I posted yesterday. Here is=20=

one of them again : "There exists neither spirit, nor reason, nor=20
thinking, nor consciousness, nor soul, nor will, *nor truth*" (Will to=20=

power, trans. Kaufmann-Hollingdale, =A7 480).

        Now, whatever Phil says, this is clear proof that Nietzsche =
reject truth, for the excellent reason that *he states so=20
> It makes no sense to claim that Nietzsche rejects truth,

M.C. Yes it does, *because he says he does* : "Truth"? Who forced this=20=

word on me=A0? But I repudiate it=A0; but I disdain this proud word" =
(WTP =20
=A7 749).

        What "makes no sense" is to continue maintaining one's position=20=

unchanged in the fact of quite obvious evidence to the contrary. It=20
would be like, say, looking at the current situation in Iraq and=20
claiming that everything is hunky-dory.

        Perhaps that's the key to understanding contemporary American=20
politics. The ability to look evidence straight in the face and deny it=20=

something is one that escapes me, and yet one that Bush and his cronies=20=

have no problem whatsoever with. Thus, when the Bushies and their=20
supporters tell us that all objectives have been achieved in Iraq,=20
they're not lying=A0: they just have developed that very special skill =
looking at p and declaring it to be not-p.

        Best, Mike.

Michael Chase
7, rue Guy Moquet
Villejuif 94801

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