[lit-ideas] Re: Eric's Winter

  • From: "Andreas Ramos" <andreas@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 14 Feb 2006 08:22:21 -0800

Eric mailing a picture to Lawrence, and...
made me laugh.

Well, maybe Iran is safe. It's a bit more complex to launch a nuclear missile than to post to a blog :-)

Andreas, I'm lazy and I don't publish blogs, but isn't
there some sort service where you can email in a blog
entry? If none exists, you wouldn't know anyone
willing to pay few millions for a startup, that is the
intellectual property concisting of ten or so lines of
code it would take?

Dude, you're so behind the curve. Yes, one can email to a blog. You can even blog to your blog from your PDA. I can use my cell phone to take a pix and then post it to my blog, all while I'm still standing there on the street in a snowdrift.

Eric, if you want to send more pixs to the blog, email them to me and I'll post them. These pixs of NYC are incredible. Many thanks. All is forgiven.

Tho' it might be better if you send them to Paul pas@xxxxxxxx . I don't get to these email until late at night.

Try resizing the pixs down. Perhaps they're too large, and it's taking a long time to upload.

The NYC blizzard really messed up Silicon Valley this morning. Many people didn't show up for meetings, etc., because they were stuck in NYC. Secretaries were calling around, rescheduling meetings. Actually, they were saying "we don't really know when he's coming back, so let's try for next week." Gales of laughter. Okay, back to the pool. Where did I leave the cocoa tanning butter?


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