[lit-ideas] Re: Chomsky on Predators

  • From: Omar Kusturica <omarkusto@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 9 Mar 2007 17:45:06 -0800 (PST)

--- Eric Yost <mr.eric.yost@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

>  >>Because he said that 'Britain belongs to Allah' ?
> Only if he's al-Qaeda, Omar. He sounds like one, but
> "sounding" means 
> nothing as we all know.

*The view that the world (thus also Britain) begins to
Allah is in truth the orthodox Islamic view. There is
the issue of delegation, i.e. there are passages in
the Qur'an that suggest that Allah's ownership or
sovereignty over the world has been delegated to man,
and there can be differing views on the extent of
autonomy this entails as well as the extent and the
nature of responsibilities involved.

> However, if a Christian announced on Saudi TV that
> "Saudi Arabia belongs 
> to Jesus!' he would certainly be executed, either
> officially or 
> unofficially.

*Not sure why I am supposed to answer for something
that might hypothetically happen in Saudi Arabia.
(Such a proclamation would probably not be made in the
first place, whether it would result in execution I am
not sure.) I repeatedly expressed critical views of
the Saudi regime, while it's the supporters of the
Bush Administration who should be cozy with Saudi
Arabia. However, the analogy is not quite accurate,
the quotation does not read that 'Britain belongs to
Mohammad' which could be interpreted as a radical
Islamist view but to Allah, i.e. to God. This is
compatible with the take of the other major
monotheistic religions at least.


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