[lit-ideas] Re: Art and the Wall

  • From: Robert Paul <robert.paul@xxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 30 Aug 2005 20:23:30 -0700

Andy Amago wrote:

Isn't this recapping what I said earlier, that art is beautiful as long as
it agrees with our agenda?  If it doesn't, it gets the old heave ho.

I don't think so. You linked the removal of Diego's work to Rockefeller's not finding it beautiful ('It was not beautiful to Rockefeller.') Not finding something beautiful and finding it politically or ideologically embarrassing are two different things.
There is no evidence that JDR was displeased with its form, as opposed to its content.

I wrote:

I've seen the Detroit murals; they're moving enough, but I suspect that most people who see them no longer recognize most of the people depicted in them, so their former (attempted) didactic power is lost.

and Andy replied.

Like most works throughout the centuries.

I grant that e.g. most of the Christian symbolism and allegory in Medieval and Renaissance art is lost to the casual viewer (who may, nonetheless, be struck by the aesthetic power of certain works). The same would be true of most works that depict classical themes, myths, etc. So, if this is the sort of painting you're referring to, then yes.

I wrote:

I wonder if Andy considers the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, or ceilings by e.g. Tiepolo,—not to mention the 'cave paintings' at such sites as Chauvet-Pont-d'Arc, 'graffiti.'

He replied.

I said art on the outside of buildings looks like graffiti to me.

What you wrote was:

'Diego Rivera's art was not beautiful to Rockefeller. I personally think "art" on building walls looks like graffiti.'

The proximity of these two sentences suggested to me that you believed that Diego's Rockefeller mural was painted somewhere on an outside wall of Rockefeller Center. Forgive me.

Robert Paul
Reed College

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