[lit-ideas] Re: Anti-Humanism & Its Enemies

  • From: Eric Yost <mr.eric.yost@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 17 Nov 2007 00:34:41 -0500

One may infer from combining "humanist" with "anti." Just so.

Main Entry: 1hu·man·ist
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): -s
Etymology: probably from Middle French humaniste, from Latin humanus + Middle French -iste -ist 1 a : a person who pursues the study of the humanities <accused by humanists of having an exclusive interest in social sciences -- Publ's Mod. Lang. Association of American> <called for a greater understanding between scientists and humanists -- Science> b : an adherent or practitioner of Renaissance humanism ; specifically : a Renaissance scholar devoting himself to the study of classical letters 2 : a person who is devoted to human welfare : one who is marked by a strong interest in or concern for man : HUMANITARIAN <a humanist, a lover of all sorts of people -- Yale Review> <a humanist, who felt deeply about inequality ... wherever he saw it -- Max Lerner> 3 a often capitalized : a person who subscribes to the doctrines of scientific humanism ; specifically : a member of a religious society or cult subscribing to such doctrines b : a person who subscribes to a form of philosophical humanism c : NEW HUMANIST

     *And to up the ante there's "anti-"

Main Entry: 1an·ti-
Function: prefix
Etymology: anti- from Middle English, from Old French & Latin; Old French, from Latin, against, from Greek, from anti; ant- from Middle English, from Latin, against, from Greek, from anti; anth- from Latin, against, from Greek, from anti 1 a : one opposing the claims of : rival : spurious <antichrist> <antiking> <antipope> b : of the same kind but situated opposite, exerting energy in the opposite direction, or pursuing an opposite policy <antapex> <antarctic> <anticline> <antischool> <antivolition> c : one that is opposite in kind to <anticlimax> <antihero> <antireligion> -- anti- before consonants other than h and sometimes ant- before vowels and anth- before h (which is not repeated), but more frequently anti- even before h or a vowel 2 a : opposing or hostile to in opinion, sympathy, or practice <anticapitalist> <antidemocratic> <antiromantic> <antislavery> <antiunion> b : opposing in effect or activity : inhibiting : preventing : counteracting <antacid> <anthelmintic> <antiaging> <anti-Comintern> <antienzyme> <antifat> <antifogging> <anti-inflationary> <antislip> <antitrust>
3 : not <antigrammatical> <antilogical>
4 : serving to prevent, cure, or alleviate (a pathological condition) <antiarthritic> <antispasmodic> 5 a : opposing or neutralizing another substance <antibody> <antiserum> b : substance that opposes or neutralizes (another substance); especially : substance that is an antibody to (a specified antigen) <antitoxin> 6 : combating : destroying : defending against <antiaircraft> <antimine> <antitank> 7 anti- : TRANS- 3 -- especially in names of chemical structures in which the opposed atoms or groups are attached to carbon-to-nitrogen or nitrogen-to-nitrogen double bonds <sodium anti-benzene-diazoate> -- opposed to syn-; see BENZALDOXIME

________Citations format for these entries________

"humanist." Webster's Third New International Dictionary, Unabridged. Merriam-Webster, 2002. http://unabridged.merriam-webster.com (17 Nov. 2007)

"anti-." Webster's Third New International Dictionary, Unabridged. Merriam-Webster, 2002. http://unabridged.merriam-webster.com (17 Nov. 2007).

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