[Linux-Anyway] Re: Now I know why I didn't see this

  • From: Horror Vacui <horrorvacui@xxxxxxx>
  • To: Linux-Anyway@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 29 Jul 2002 20:32:02 +0200

Meph Istopheles wrote:

>  Godwin,
>>Note to Meph: one salvation here in France is that it is
>>illegal for legal professionals to advertise. We're spared that
>  Whoo-hoo!  The French government dose something intelligent.  
>At least France has ~that~ going for it, eh?;-)
Oh right. I was really talking about what I've seen on SKY news (before 
it went digital). The Brits being early adapters of everything bad from 
America, I thought It'll be over here in a couple of  months. But now I 
know we're saved: in Germany and Austria it's illegal too. A german 
chat-friend of mine told me once that she couldn't make her brother (a 
lawyer) a webpage (she's a webdesigner of sorts - I code better), 
because it's illegal (thanks goodness). He may have a webpage, but 
daren't even mention what he does for a living. Then, I didn't see much 
sense there, but I do now.

(He) Cheers
Horror Vacui

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