[Linux-Anyway] Re: Now I know why I didn't see this

  • From: Meph Istopheles <meph@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: Linux-Anyway@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 28 Jul 2002 12:46:07 -0700 (PDT)

> >The fact of the matter is that we Brits don't sound like
> >someone with a pack of chewing gum in their mouth and
> >permanent tonsilitis.

> I'll agree here.  As something of a neutral party, I prefer the
> english accent, and I dare say I sound rather english than
> american when I speak. It also happens to be easier to
> understand. The people I've recommended watching english TV
> channels to improve their english (which in most cases were
> CNN, BBC World and some time ago, SKY News), usually say BBC's
> okay, but they can't understand a word on CNN.

  Heh.  Neither can most Americans;-).

  It gets worse -- 1. I've studied journalism & can't deal with 
what the Am press calls journalism, & 2. It's amazing how few of 
the important stories from even the US -- let alone the rest of 
the world -- are reported on US news shows when compared to any 
foreign program.  I really wonder why I stay....

> I wouldn't have said the difference it that big, but then
> again, I had no problems talking to our scottish BAE source
> inspectors...

  You know, when I lived in London, the only person I'd met who 
needed a tranlator was a Glaswigian.  But imagine what it's like 
having a Welshman translate Glaswigian;-).

> >Typical - and now people in the USA are suing fast-food chains
> >for selling them potentially health-damaging food.

> >That would get thrown out of court in any other country
> >because nobody was forcing the plaintiffs to eat shit, they
> >chose to.

> They wouldn't have been admitted at all. Rather laughed at.

  There are those of us here who laugh at it too:-).  Morons rule 
here.  Those of us with any brains are in such a minority we 
can't even hope for a chance.

> But when bashing the Yanks you have to remember that many
> Europeans, when having some obviously nonsensical claim they
> hope they can be drawing profit from, do it under american
> legislation if there's any way to do it. You can't really blame
> the people for trying to pull it off, but you can blame the
> legal system for being so bloody idiotic.

  It's the lawyers who talk people into these silly cases most 
often (my father was an attorney), & the lawyers made the laws.  
So, there ya go.

> I sometimes have the feeling most Americans see their legal
> system not as something created to bring justice (and something
> that can be remodeled to better serve that purpose), but a kind
> of a sports game with very complicated rules that can't
> possibly be changed, where you can play dirty if you know the
> ropes good enough not to get busted, and where the obviously
> unfair can be accepted if according to the law.

  The whole sense of justice is a fostered illusion here.  The 
lawyers know the game -- hell, they made it up.


  The Force is what holds everything together.  It has its dark 
  side, and it has its light side.  It's sort of like cosmic duct 

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