[LRflex] Re: (LRflex) Shopping Frustration

  • From: "wildlightphoto@xxxxxxxxxxxxx" <wildlightphoto@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: leicareflex@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 29 Jul 2009 17:25:00 -0400

Richard Ward wrote:

Is there appreciable optical differences between, for instance, a 1 cam
Summicron 50 f2 and a late model rom/3cammer of the same lens?

For the 50 'cron there are some differences, mostly at the widest
apertures.  In general it's like asking which is a better flavor, chocolate
or strawberry? Other features should be considered too, such as the filter
size.  The Series VI filters for the early lenses can be difficult to find
while the 55mm filter size of the later lenses is very common.

One example where I've seen a significant difference is with the 35mm
Elmarit-R (f/2.8).  Even when it was current, Leica only described the
first version (Series VI filters) as a 'good' lens while everything else
was described with superlatives. I found that the later versions of this
lens (Series VII or E55 filters) are significantly better in detail
rendition and flare suppression.

The cam/ROM configuration isn't a reliable guide to the version because
most older lenses can be retrofitted with additional cams or ROM.

Doug Herr
Birdman of Sacramento

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