[LRflex] An Erwin Puts Quote

  • From: Richard Ward <ilovaussiesheps@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: LeicaReflex@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 6 Apr 2010 08:51:04 -0700 (PDT)

Hi Group,
   just wanted to post a paragraph I found on Erwin Puts website 
(http://www.imx.nl/photo/index.html), specifically in a blog post discussing 
"If Leica photographers would use only a fraction of their time they now
spend on the internet discussing things Leica, for taking pictures in
whatever way they seem fit, the quality of Leica imagery would explode.
Taking and consuming Leica pictures is more satisfying than talking
about Leica cameras. Leica cameras are not perfect. There never were."
   One of the things I love about this 'List' is the emphasis people place upon 
making and sharing images. Maybe it's the orphaning of R cameras, but I prefer 
to think it's the quality of the company we're keeping here that makes the 
'image' take dominance. I also don't recall ever seeing an image of a test 
chart, a newspaper, or a brick wall here. :-) I kind of like that. A lot. 
   I don't recall a single image I ever took improved by learning how to 
properly shoot a target on a wall let alone scrolling through those images as 
shot by another. It is the content which made or broke any image I ever took. 
The skills to prefocus on a baby in a swing, with an inaccurate prism, and 
adjust exposure to get enough shutter speed to overcome my wobbles and her 
relentless to & fro'ing - that comes in handy! (see 
Richard in Michigan


Nothing is really work unless you would rather be doing something else.
- James M. Barrie


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