[JA] Re: Juno problems?

  • From: outtolaunch@xxxxxxxx
  • To: juno_accmail@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 22 Feb 2003 11:06:48 -0500

       Same here, only with rootsweb lists. I gave up on the
Yahoo lists long ago, and checked the option to read them
on the web. 

        I decided to "pay up" for Juno to get live tech support. Of
course, they soon took that away, and Platinum members now
have to call a 900 number for. T.S.  I did manage recently to
talk to a live customer service person. Told me that one can
have unlimited free accounts, and get up to 150 messages every
2 hours at each one. So --- why all the bounces? The answer from
e-mail T. S. is the usual one no matter what the problem: backup 
& delete the account, which is presumably corrupted. Which means
"We don't know or care why; just start over." 


> I started 2 (two) new accounts and subscribed them to lists.  They 
> were 'bounced to death'.  (O, yes, they included yahoo groups. I gave
> and deleted the accounts.)
> Carefully 'balancing the load' over multiple accounts sounds good, 
> but I can't figure out if an account is assigned to a specific server.
> Maybe the new accounts were assigned to the same juno server and 
> thus  were bounced to death by a single server goofing up.  I like the 
> idea, really I do, it just didn't work for me.


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