[jhb] Re: PCI Breaking News

  • From: "Peter Dodds" <pdodds@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: jhb@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 14 May 2007 10:44 +0100 (BST)

I don't read the VATSIM forums either (no time) but Cix VFR's Forum 
watcher hasn't reported anything.

> Does this mean you take new pilots directly into VATSIM? If so do you 
> have a rule that requires new pilots to log in only if you have an 
instructor booked for the session specifically for that pilot? If we go 
that route then we would require a grading system for JHB pilots so that 
some could be classified at instructor level. The downside is that 
instructors may find themselves permanently stuck in the role and that 
isn't always welcome.
We don't have any rules about training - we actually have as few rules 
as possible about anything!  We encourage new pilots to connect and 
watch and listen (we have a wealth of tutorials on the web site on how 
to do everything) at one of our bases, and we have a "Duty Pilot" roster 
at both bases.  The duty pilot sits on Teamspeak, and on the apron at 
the base and contacts (positive action, not waiting for queries) any new 
member that he sees either at the FBO or on Teamspeak and talks him 
through any issues. The new pilot can, if necessary, then be pointed to 
one of our instructors where he can discuss ab initio flying, vatsim 
connection and use of ATC, navigation etc.  We have at least one 
instructor specialising in each area. I am CFI and vet would-be 
instructors, placing them in the best place.  My only "internal to me" 
rule is that for ab initio flight training, the instructor is or has 
been a real world PPL.

However we are not swamped with students, we have 147 members of whom 
only about 30 - 40 have ever flown with us, and I have "trained" less 
than 10 students in 3 years, (one of whom was Frank F!!)  This is 
probably because VATSIM /is/ a daunting environment to newcomers. And I 
think this is where you have a point about it being a bridge too far.  
Some folks are keen enough to keep going with our help and that is the 
filter.  Those that continue, continue for a long time.  We did have one 
member complain that the training was too complicated - "welcome to the 
world of aviation" we said. He struggled on and is now a member of our 
management team!

However, I do believe (no offence intended whatsoever) that you are 
"mollycoddling" your pilots.  I am sure having watched and listened to 
them and been on this group for some time now, that they would cope 
perfectly well in Vatsim.  Like many other organisations, it is far less 
frightening from the inside than from the outside! As for navigation, 
CAS avoidance etc., we have a couple of Nav tutorials which hammer that 
one home. They, and all our training material, is freely available from 
the web site. 

I take your points about the vatsim controlling environment - it is more 
formal than the pilot side, with exams, so is quite a learning curve to 
climb.  I would have thought you could agree to mentor only at your 
chosen field and for chosen students though - but that is outside my 
sphere of experience.

Mike Pike at Gloucester controls EGBJ every Tuesday evening, quietly and 
without fuss.  As a result, Gloucester actually has more movcements than 
any other Vatsim UK airport, but because the big tin can't get in there, 
he is left alone and he operates in almost precisely the way I believe 
you could with JHB.  That is why we positioned a base there.  Because it 
is "home" to our members, new pilots don't feel so exposed and they can 
gain experience flying in the local area, gradually branching out 
further afield. In fact we scarcely interact with the rest of Vatsim 
except for occasional forum posts, and our now established role as 
opening event in the Annual virtual Sywell Air Display. We are left to 
do our thing, but have come to be well known and well respected in the 
Vatsim UK upper circles. One of our founder members, and still active, 
is Ruth McTighe who is Vatsim worldwide Communications Director.

I am sure that with some hand holding, JHB would thoroughly enjoy the 
busy-ness that is VAtsim UK.


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