RE: JAWS on a thumb drive

  • From: "Brian Giles" <briangiles@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <jfw@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 8 Dec 2008 12:44:50 -0700

Hi Dave,


Yes, JAWS on a thumb drive is very useful. I used it just yesterday when I
was trying to figure out why my sister's sound card wasn't' working. Now I
just have to try and remember all the customizing I've done to JAWS on my
desktop so the version on my thumb drive will be the same. I remembered
right before I plugged my thumb drive in that I hadn't installed it to my
thumb drive yet, so I  had to go through some configuration to get it
working good enough to be able to troubleshoot. I still haven't fixed the
problem. Lol It'd be soooo much easier if you could do a merge and copy the
settings from your JAWS on the PC to your thumb drive. I wonder why you cant
do that.


A couple questions about the dongle though since I can't find any info about
it on the FS website. According to the JAWS help, in the section about JAWS
on a thumb drive, it says they have created an executable file similar to
the video intercept install, that installs a driver for the dongle on the
PC. I didn't see that in the JAWS downloads section of the website. Is that
something you get with your dongle?


Second, could I pay the $45 and buy a dongle even if I already have an ILM
version? Or do they transfer your license from ILM and put it on a dongle?
It would be nice to have a dongle to be able to authorize when I am running
JAWS off my thumb drive on someone else's computer, but still be able to
have an ILM key on my desktop and laptop.



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