[ian-reeds-games] Re: Help recording

  • From: Ian Reed <support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: ian-reeds-games@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 29 May 2013 15:28:47 -0600

It turns out I have the stereo mix option and was able to enable it using the article.

I'm still deciding what to do about VAC as my headset only has a physical switch for muting and unmuting.
Or did you mean it has a software control for doing this?
It is just a logitech headset and did come with some software that I never touch.

This page lets you purchase VAC for $25 with no technical support, $35 with some, and $50 with full.

$25 is more reasonable for me. And I have you for technical support, right? Smile.

There is also VB-Cable which is a DonationWare alternative to VAC.

It sounds a little less feature full, but perhaps it works for the basic scenario of recording your mic along with the stereo mix stuff.

Thanks for the help so far. It's a more complicated endeavor than I first thought.

Ian Reed

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