[ian-reeds-games] Re: RPG Engine

  • From: Ian Reed <support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: ian-reeds-games@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 28 May 2013 16:07:27 -0600

Thanks for the feedback Carlos.

Yeah, I think the radar can take some time to get used to. For me it's a bit easier since I really understand how it's supposed to work and I'm pretty familiar with the map since I made it so it's good to get a fresh perspective.

I'm sure that overhead map bug is due to some code that I added to make the speech not be interrupted when you are holding keys to move in first person mode.

There are 6 NPCs total in the town.

Yeah, the heading radar is more complicated but does solve some of the slight annoyances I had with the reactive near radar. But maybe the reactive near radar should be the default since it's usage is more straight forward.

I think I can come up with something good for finding your way out of buildings.
Aprone used a special building radar.  I could do something like that.
Or I could use a beacon that moves along the path you need to follow, jumping to the next corner you need to take each time.
Or instead of a beacon it could be a spectral guide.
It will take me a while though.

Until I get a better way for finding the exit though here are a few things I would try if you get lost in a building. On this particular map there are only 2 beacons, one is in the tavern doorway and the other is in the armor shop doorway so you could activate the one you need. It wouldn't help you maneuver out of a bedroom into the hallway but it would still let you know which overall direction the exit is in.
The sub rooms in the buildings are not really that big.
The one with the nobleman is a 3 by 3 tile room.
So using the overhead map should let you quickly discern where the doorway back to the hallway is and then where the hallway meets the main tavern room.
I've tried to be really good about labelling regions.
Also, did you use the snap left and snap right? Since the map is built on a tile grid snapping to cardinal directions can be very helpful in lining up with doorways.

I could have made all the doorways multiple tiles large to make it easier to navigate without being lined up as well but I wanted to try out the hallways and doorways that are 1 tile wide.

Thanks for the offer on sound effects and music. Kai has also offered to help with the sounds though his desktop computer is out of commission at the moment. If you think of sounds that you think would work better for certain aspects of the game please pass them along. I can always use the extra help in that area.

And let me know how playing more with the reactive near radar and reactive heading radar works out. I think it's definitely got a learning curve so I'm interested to see how long it takes to get over the curve for those 2 radars. And also to see if you ever end up liking the heading radar more than the other.

Ian Reed

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