[ian-reeds-games] Re: RPG Engine

  • From: Ian Reed <support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: ian-reeds-games@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 30 May 2013 14:47:03 -0600

Hey Craig,

Glad you like it! I think it's fine to use your eyes as much as you can, but I am also making sure it is a good experience with no vision at all.

For me I can set the zoom level to 3 and get some use out of it, but often I don't bother. And for the walkthrough I was not using my eyes at all in case anyone wondered.

Did you notice your character changes color between black and white based on the color of the terrain he is on?
That was a helpful feature for me as high contrast makes a big difference.
I may still need to tweak it a bit more though.

I'm glad you like the reactive radars more.  They are the ones I'm proud of.
And even though I talk up the heading radar a lot people should use what they feel works best for them.

The open world combat will work exactly like the World of Warcraft combat.
I'm trying to remember how the combat worked in Knights of the old republic.
One difference is that I will only be supporting control of 1 character in open world combat, and there will be no pausing the game.
Maybe those features could be added far down the road.

So for example you would first target an enemy by pressing tab. That cycles through targetable units in front of you.
Then you would activate the melee attack skill by pressing 1.
Then you would get close enough to the unit so your character can repeatedly melee attack as often as he can.

Then other skills would be assigned to the other number keys and you would activate them to do more powerful attacks spending mana or rage at the same time.

So unlike an FPS you don't need to have exact aiming.
The strategy is more about learning to use your skills well and thinking on your feet since it is real time.

That's how the MMO combat and single player open world combat will work.
When I do the single player turn based combat you can have multiple units since it will be Entombed style or Tactical Battle style.

The map editor currently works on Map1.txt only.
You could make a backup and start a fresh map.
In the map editor press:
U for units.
T for terrain.
R for an existing region.
control + R to create a new region.
space bar to place the current object.
M to mark the start of a block.
Shift + space bar to place a block.

You can look through the current unit, terrain, and map files.
I don't have any documentation for them, but I think the copy and paste and change a little tactic should be pretty straight forward.

Obviously there's a lot left to be done, but you could start making maps to explore right now.

Also I plan on having portals from one map to another.
If you've played Swamp it works like when you enter the sewers, or the hospital elevator, or when you take the road east on map 2.

So not everything needs to go into a single map.

If you finish one I'd love to play it. That would also be a good way for me to test out the navigation on a map that I didn't write myself.

Ian Reed

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