[openbeos] Re: question about dos filesystem and mime types

  • From: Marcus Overhagen <marcusoverhagen@xxxxxxxx>
  • To: openbeos@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 31 Aug 2006 19:03:11 +0200 (CEST)

Jérôme Duval wrote:

> I'm wondering why we bother supporting reading "BEOS:TYPE" attribute
> for files located on a dos file system. Shouldn't it be the job of the
> registrar/mime registry anyway ?

Yes, I think the table should be removed from the file system, and placed in 
userland mime registrar if possible.

It could use extension based file type matching, as MIME types already
have extensions assgined in the mime database. It could also revert to 
sniffing (if that isn't too slow) in case a file extension is unknown
or duplicate.

I think we also should add some kind of mime type aliasing to the mime
database. Just like the file name extensions, additional alias names
could be stored for each mime type.

For example, the official type "application/ogg" could have the alias 
entries "video/x-ogg" and "audio/ogg", and extensions ".ogg" and ".ogm"

So whenever a file with existing but unknown mime type is launched,
registrar could look into the alias entries to determine what type the file is. 

When launched from a dosfs partition, it would use the extension.

Extensions and alias entries should probably stored in a hash table,
for fast access.

I also vote for making extension matching case insensitive.


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