[haiku] Re: Drupal Template

  • From: Niels Reedijk <niels.reedijk@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: haiku@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 2 Jan 2010 15:57:59 +0100

Hi Barett,

2010/1/2 Barrett <barrett666@xxxxxxxxx>:
> We (haiku italia) are planning to redesign our website (haiku-os.it), our
> idea is to make it similar to haiku-os.org, is possible to have the template
> of the official site to use it as base?

Personally I see no problem with sending you the template, as long as
you try to make it visually and content wise distinct enough from the
main website. This is in order to protect the brand image. I know that
for that reason the previous template was not distributed, but I guess
we could theoretically reach an agreement on how your final template
should differ from the main website.

Having said that, the big speed bump is the unclear licensing of the
current theme. It was designed by Jorge Mare. It is based on the
Acquia Marina template that can be found at

The license of that theme is unclear. There is no mention whether it
is released under the GPL (like Drupal is). Until that can be
established, I assume that we (as the Haiku project) got a license for
use of the derative from Jorge, but that (partial) copyright (and as
such the decision) are with him.

[Note that this is not about ethics. Ethically, I feel that like code
'donations', design donations should also have an open license. This
is however, never explicitly agreed upon for the theme which causes
the twilight we are in.]

So you have two options. The first is to contact Jorge and ask him for
the template (and the conditions that go with it). The other option
would be to start from the Acquia Marina template and work from that.

Kind regards,


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