[gmpi] Re: Revised Topic 7.1: Audio I/O

  • From: "Ron Kuper" <ronkuper@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <gmpi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 6 Jun 2003 12:58:27 -0400

> when i've programmed DX hosting in my FFX-4 and FFX-16 and also in Pyramix
> software. It was in 1998 or 1999.
> i've used only one DirectXGraph to route a complete insert plug-i chain in
> mono or stereo. and i've implemented as a mute buton a
> disconnect/re-connection plug-in into this chain without destroying any FX
> object.
> The result has been a disaster. On disconnection, Some Dx plug-in didn't
> release their interface correctly, some allocation was not free, the
> buffers, the synchronization object, and the reconnection was often fatal.
> remember , even with some wellknown plug-ins , each time i was clicking on
> the mute button , the memory was increased ... and increased and increased
> up to the crash.

That's a problem specific to DX, which we hopefully won't inherit.  Later
versions of DX added a way to dynamically enable and disable pins, but very
few plugins actually implement that capability.  DX basically requires that
you completely stop the filter graph before connecting or disconnecting

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