[gmpi] Re: Instruments done, moving on to Plugin Files

  • From: "gogins@xxxxxxxxxxxx" <gogins@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: gmpi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 27 Aug 2004 09:51:11 -0400

Directory names can clash. Shared libraries might clash, but then they can
be renamed and still probed. If directories are renamed because they clash,
then what's inside still needs to make sense. If that's spelled out as a
requirement (no reference to the top directory name inside the
distribution), then that could work.

Original Message:
From: Tim Hockin thockin@xxxxxxxxxx
Date: Thu, 26 Aug 2004 21:50:02 -0700
To: gmpi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [gmpi] Re: Instruments done, moving on to "Plugin Files"

On Thu, Aug 26, 2004 at 07:58:02PM -0400, Michael Gogins wrote:
> All of these "bundling" ideas are impractical, in practice, across
> platforms. The best thing to do is just go for a probe function. If hosts
> aren't happy with the probe overhead, they can make a checksum or
> or something on each probed file and use it to make sure their database of
> plugin metadata is up to date.
> Facilities for doing this should be made a part of the GMPI API, host

The bundling idea was more than just metadata.  It also included bundling
presets, help, graphics, etc.

That said, I don't care if we say that the "bundle" is a directory.  I
like the idea of a jar file or a tar file representing the WHOLE plugin in
a single file, but I don't *really* care.  It does make it easier to
distribute files, for all the good and bad arguments thereof.

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