[gmpi] Re: ABI's / Nutshell

  • From: Tim Hockin <thockin@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: gmpi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 24 Feb 2005 16:26:43 -0800

On Thu, Feb 24, 2005 at 04:16:56PM -0800, Chris Grigg wrote:
> >In practical terms, this means that you can't assume that a DLL complies
> >with any specific GMPI interface unless you ask it explicitly.
> Since we are not using COM per se, what is the motivation for the 
> "Unknown" step?  Is it that the factory going to be making something 
> other than plug instances?  Is it for managing plug API version 
> changes?  Or is this just a ptr typing thing?

A fair question.  I think the motivation is to enforce API versioning.

> >Does any of this happen automatically?  I don't know, nor do I know if it
> >is cross-platform.
> It would be good to get a clearer picture soon, while we can still 
> make changes easily if need be.

Once the prototype gets stable (almost there, but for my damned day
job), we can trivially create some external dependency within a plugin and
empirically try it out.

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