[geocentrism] Re: expelled

  • From: Bernie Brauer <bbrauer777@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: geocentrism@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 29 Apr 2008 07:22:06 -0700 (PDT)

Marshall Hall has the answer here:
  HELL: IT'S NOT WHAT YOU THINK IT IS! (One Page Summary) 
  The teaching that Hell is a place of eternal conscious torture is an 
unscriptural lie. Over four dozen Scriptures teach plainly that there is no 
consciousness after death. Lazurus and the Rich Man verses in Luke 16 are a 
parable. A parable by definition represents a truth other than the one in the 
allegory given. This parable tells of the end of the Old Covenant for the Jews 
alone and the beginning of the New Covenant for "whosoever will". It has 
nothing to do with conscious suffering and reward one nanosecond after a person 
bites the dust. 
  As for the teaching that Gehenna Hell (after the Judgment) is where billions 
will undergo conscious torture eternally, the churches have wrongfully applied 
the second connotation of "torment" ("to torture") instead of the preferred 
first connotation ("to try, to test"). This and other egregious errors--once 
seen and understood--expose other major false teachings that are symbiotically 
connected to the dastardly deception that the Bible says that God has arranged 
for the eternal torture of billions of souls who do not go to Heaven. It?s time 
to clear this up and let one and all see that God is the infinitely merciful 
Judge who does not even take pleasure in the death of a wicked person (Ezek. 
33:11), much less his/her screaming in a torture chamber eternally!
  You can know beyond any doubt that the Bible teaches that neither Hades Hell 
nor Gehenna Hell is a place where multitudes writhe and scream in conscious 
agony.Another false teaching views Hell as a place where all evil and evildoers 
will be eradicated completely. Though less blasphemous than the eternal Dantean 
Torture Chamber doctrine, this teaching is also demonstrably unScriptural. 
More, it is illogical. With the perfect record of 6000 years of foreordained 
interplay of good and evil on His computer chip (Acts 15:18), would God just 
erase this infinitely precious and eternally useful resource and all memory of 
the transgressors along with it?! What a crock! The transgressions of the Saved 
are "remembered no more" (Jer. 31:34; Heb.10:12,17; Ps.103:12). But not so the 
unSaved (Luke 12:2,3; Is. 14:15,16; 66:24; Rev. 22:15; etc.)!
  Still others think there is no Hell, that God will let everybody off the hook 
and into Heaven after all. To these folks Hell is just a superstitious myth. If 
Scripture is one?s sole guide on the subject of Hell, this view (and not Hell) 
is the myth!
  In short, Hell, as all can know from Scripture alone, is a necessary and 
vital part of God?s Plan for Creating mankind in the first place. Indeed, 
without the kind of Hell God has planned, there could be no Heaven! Go HERE to 
order a 114 page book of Bible facts which show God's  judgment is fair!

Neville Jones <njones@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
      I found the letter that Paul included in his posting amusing ... and 
true. The biggest enemy for the Creationist probably is indeed the black book.
  Experiencing pain for eternity? Do you worship the Devil? Even the men, 
women, children and animals of Dresden and Hamburg didn't have to endure that. 
Is The Almighty an infinitely greater monster than Churchill, Roosevelt, Stalin 
and Eisenhower put together?

    -----Original Message-----
From: jack.lewis@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Tue, 29 Apr 2008 10:50:52 +0100

The concept that pain, in varying severity, will be experienced for eternity is 
beyond our comprehension just living for eternity in a place that is perfect - 
another incomprehensible concept.


philip madsen wrote:        If I'm wrong I won't be able to regret it, but if 
you are then you will. No need to respond.


Isn't that just so sad and so true..  And you would think a scientist would 
know what eternity is , and burning forever in it...  No escape clause..  

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