[geocentrism] Re: For Phillip

  • From: Neville Jones <njones@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: geocentrism@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 23 Nov 2007 10:55:23 -0800

I seem to remember that someone worked out that anything past the distance to Saturn (on the conventionally accepted scale of things) would require the object to be moving with a velocity greater than c in the geocentric system, but I don't know whether that was at its closest to us, or its furthest from us. Either way, Philip is right, it's not that far.


-----Original Message-----
From: pma15027@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Fri, 23 Nov 2007 13:36:41 +1000

Neville said,
"The speed of light limitation is far more of a problem in a huge universe than in a 'small' universe, but is still there, I grant you."
First let me say I like this diversion. I was not enjoying at all all the "cameras in orbits." on things that nobody knows is moving. So we can keep the subject line ..
As far as I can imagine, if it is impossible for the sun to encircle the earth daily at  3.14159x 2 AU per day, Then anything up to infinity likewise. (I'm assuming I worked it out that this orbit was faster than 186000mps, )  some way back, but the principle stands even if I am wrong. I could have asked for Sirius.
I see a gramaphone record spinning. Its fluid allows local systems movement. There is nothing else outside that fluid. It could be TIME. PART OF A FOUR DIMENSIONAL OBJECT.
God is smart and powerful enough to do that is He not? And sections of science are already well and truly discussing this. We are just simple 3D folk.

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