Re: [foxboro] disabling sets

  • From: Terry Doucet <doucet427@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <foxboro@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 29 Mar 2010 08:54:10 -0400


The enable or disable is a command statement for a specific DM name. If you 
have multiple DM's for a UNIX station, each one has to be disabled to prevent 
sets. The only way to ensure that they remain un-settable is to prevent someone 
from running the enable command. Since anyone at a command prompt (including 
telnet session)can run the enable command for any DM name in your system, you 
really must rely on the competence of your well-trained people. The specific 
station DM name can be locked down to prevent the un-educated from enabling 
sets but it is pretty much impossible to lock it down with 100% certainty.

In most plants where I have worked on IA, the Operator stations for that 
specific process have sets enabled and other Operators are permitted to view 
data in that Process but sets are disabled. This is done via the environments 
files. It works well.

But in fact, if someone with command prompt access desired, he could enable 
sets for the people with "view data" access in the environment files.

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