[ExchangeList] Re: Deleting attachments

  • From: "Steve Frechette" <stevef@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <exchangelist@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 14 Sep 2006 09:35:07 -0500

I think that one big thing that everyone is missing in this discussion is
"I have a customer that stores ALL of their emails on line- The store is now
82 GB."
HOW MANY e-mails/what kind of attachments are important enough for them to
have 82 GIGS of the stuff? That's a normal person's hard drive size, in JUST

Enjoy the day,


Steve Frechette

Network Administrator




From: exchangelist-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:exchangelist-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Maglinger, Paul
Sent: Thursday, September 14, 2006 9:30 AM
To: exchangelist@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [ExchangeList] Re: Deleting attachments

Why?  Because if you come down to it most human beings are pack-rats.  Too
darn lazy to clean out mail that they will never ever need.  How many
cluttered garages and basements are in homes; and if you want to mention
business, filing cabinets and storage rooms are in your building?  How much
of that mail is of Aunt June and Uncle Joe with bmps (no... not jpgs) of
their vacation to Hot Springs, Arkansas and little Billy playing a tree in
the grade school spring musical?  How about the nice big mpgs showing the
dog smoking a cigarette behind the garage or let's not forget the "adult
educational videos"!  Nope, I don't buy the "business reason".  If we were
still using paper for correspondence, what would you do when the file
cabinet got full?  Either buy a bigger cabinet or clean the darn thing out.
Use FTP for large files, use email for correspondence
*whew* (Rant over)


From: exchangelist-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:exchangelist-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of gabriel E. Rincon
Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 2006 17:59
To: exchangelist@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [ExchangeList] Re: Deleting attachments




I have a customer that stores ALL of their emails on line- The store is now
82 GB.  They love it - they can get their emils/attachments whenever and
where ever they are.


Gabriel Rincon



From: exchangelist-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:exchangelist-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Rick Boza
Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 2006 4:14 PM
To: exchangelist@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [ExchangeList] Re: Deleting attachments


At the risk of repeating myself (see
//www.freelists.org/archives/exchangelist/09-2006/msg00037.html ), why
as email admins are people always locked into the idea of keeping mailbox
size below user requirements?


I know many think this is sacrilege, but technologists always seem to want
to determine the 'best' way for the system to work, and then apply the rules
and requirements to the user community.  I maintain that we'd look an
awfully lot smarter, and be a whole lot more popular, if instead we looked
at the way the business users use and/or want to use the technology - in
this case (from their perspective) "Outlook" and then design the system to
meet their usage patterns.


Users like to keep email.

Users like to keep email with attachments.

It's data that can be backed up, protected, archived and indexed, searched,
and even restored in the event of emergency.

Searchable in the event of a legal discovery requirement.

With OWA it is accessible from just about anywhere.  Ditto with mobile

So why not design the storage and/or centralized archiving (in deference to
Jason, as he correctly pointed out) to meet the way the users want and need
to use the service?


Just asking - maybe I'm feeling a bit testy this afternoon.



From: exchangelist-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:exchangelist-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Jeffrey Engle
Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 2006 3:40 PM
To: exchangelist@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [ExchangeList] Re: Deleting attachments


I don't know of a program that will do what you want, but there is a program
that will compress your attachments.  Check out Max Compression from C2C.





On 9/13/06, Taylor, George <GTaylor@xxxxxxxx> wrote: 

-------------------------------------------------------Kind of on the same
line of the PST thread.  We, as I'm sure many of you 
out there do, struggle with the administrators, dept managers, doctors
and such getting them to adhere to our mailbox policies.  We actually do
have a corporate wide policy limiting the size of your mailbox and it 
does state that if you hit that limit we no longer allow you to send
email.  Turned that on a couple years ago and it took my director about
20 minutes to run in my office and say "TURN IT OFF NOW!!!"

So, with that said, we're looking at something a little more "pleasing"
to them folks.  We're thinking about deleting any attachments that are
over a certain age, but leaving the email itself.  I've basically been 
told I'd be turned into a eunuch if I deleted any doctor's email, but I
may be able to get deleting just the attachments to fly.

Any ideas on a 3rd party tool that could do this?  Let's say something
like strip the attachment from any email that is older than 180 days... 


George Taylor
Systems Programmer
Regional Health Inc.
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