[etni] Fwd: re: antiHOTS lists and number

  • From: David Lloyd <dlloyd54@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: Etni <etni@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 3 Sep 2010 13:35:18 +0300

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: sbshai <sbshai@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Fw: re: antiHOTS lists and number

Let's HALT the HOTS mud-slinging (especially now, on the eve of a new
year when we are all in need of blessing, both individually and

The angry epithets speak for themselves; there's no need to interpret
them. However,  I hope we can agree that it's fair to examine the
arguments spewing forth like molten lava.

I believe we can agree that a degree in literature does not guarantee
that one can teach the subject adequately.  No argument there. The
degree holder may be capable of great literary insight, analysis,
etc., but be a flop (boring or otherwise) as a teacher of literature.
Ergo, by logical extension, an advanced degree in education (masters
OR doctorate) does not assure us that the owner can design a viable
methodology for teaching literature.  (As a graduate of the HOTS
course --  which obviously does NOT prove that I'm pro-HOTS -- I'm
simply following the rules of deduction and induction that are
mentioned in the discussion of higher order thinking skills.)

Furthermore, if the esteemed and venerable Ed.D's can wave their
meticulously designed theories over our heads, overriding our
experience in the field -- as well as our M.A.'s or even Ph.D.'s in
literature (which we've already acknowledged as non-guarantors of
excellence in teaching) --  methinks it follows that the (so-called)
educational programs bred of said theories can very legitimately be
brought into question.  Touche?

 The important POINT here is not to see who can win the argument.
After all, we know that [earthly] 'justice' too often kowtows to
power.  But we teachers are on the frontlines: we're the first line of
defense, if you will, for our students.  More than enough of us
(numbers do count for something in our world), novices and veterans
alike (boring, exciting and everything in between!), have clearly seen
that the HOTS program is not a panacea -- far, far from it as a matter
of fact.  It is simply not suitable for all students (or teachers),
and therefore should not be forced on those for whom it doesn't fit.
(This reminds one of Cinderella's stepsisters trying desperately to
stuff their oversized feet into the dainty glass slipper.  One wonders
that it wasn't shattered to pieces!)

The solution to our dilemma is to allow for diversification:  If you
love HOTS and it's suitable for your students, go for it.  But if it
doesn't fit the bill and you've been teaching literature lovingly and
successfully, don't sacrifice a tried and true method on the altar of
It takes time AND objectivity to evaluate change.  If we subscribe
totally to a new methodology, we lose a way to assess ourselves. And
then we're in danger of confusing night and day.

My message is an appeal to intellectual honesty, no matter which side
of the HOTS fence you happen to be perched.  The only absolute right
and wrong here should be obvious: how can it be right to implement a
program (even a good one, which HOTS has not yet been proven to be) by
sheer force?
For the sake of argument, let's say that 99% of the high school
teachers in Israel want to implement the program.  The 1% minority is
no less important, and their objection should be heard.  Don't we all
make exceptions to our rules for students on occasion?  Why do
hard-working teachers deserve less respect and consideration,
especially when their primary concern is the welfare of their
students? Can we agree that the classroom teacher is in a better
position to decide what's best for his/her group than a remote
ministry official (who usually has little idea of the teacher's
I'd like to leave these questions for everyone's consideration.

Shabbat Shalom,
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