[csdn-sa] Re: Action Items from 12 September

  • From: "Mcleod, Ian" <ian.mcleod@xxxxxxx>
  • To: "'David Lloyd'" <lloy0076@xxxxxxxxxxx>, csdn-sa@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 17 Oct 2002 12:42:19 +1000


Sorry I meant before 'proceeds' or what is left over to go straight to
developers, Mandrake, etc.

I know we are a community effort - but there is no need to look like one if
we can avoid it with little extra cost or effort.  In a way it is still a
business - we are raising money - not for profit I agree - but we still need
to increase business like any other fund raising venture.

We don't *have* to hold things up pending printing of labels - but it is
something I will look in to.  It may be quite cheap.

Besides - before we can look at stuff like this we will need some 'capital'
behind us to invest in labels, etc.  It may just be a matter of running off
a heap on a colour laser printer someone has access to if not any of the
corner printing shops dotted around Adelaide.

I think it would be nice to have a standard label to use - maybe even with a
nice logo representing the Adelaide CSDN.

What small cute furry animal has not already been abducted for logo
purposes?  Is there any cute animal indigenous to South Australia or even
Australia we can use or we can devise our own cute character?
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