Re: DRE: CTS community mail

  • From: Ilitirit Sama <ilitirit@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: cpt-fgc@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 30 Apr 2015 19:48:22 +0200

Dude just follow the instructions and do it. It's worth it. Trust me.
You can do it with the mouse but it takes about 10x longer every time you
re-run the setup. And that's a conservative estimate.

On Thu, Apr 30, 2015 at 7:45 PM, lindsey kiviets <lindseyak@xxxxxxxxxxx>

okay Salie i thought this would be a point and clickey exercise. :(

f ur quantum physics, everyone knows about Mag's EM Disruptah
Date: Thu, 30 Apr 2015 19:20:10 +0200
Subject: Re: DRE: CTS community mail
From: ilitirit@xxxxxxxxx
To: cpt-fgc@xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Ooops. Forgot to mention that if you use the 32 bit version of mame the
command is either "mame.exe" or "mame32.exe", not "mame64.exe"

On Thu, Apr 30, 2015 at 7:17 PM, Ilitirit Sama <ilitirit@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

@LB (and whoever else is interested...) This is quite a bit of work but
it's worth it.

*Mame save/reload/record instructions.*

Get Mame:

Run the exe (it will extract to the folder you specify). In my case I'm
extracting to "E:\Games\Emulation\Mame\Mame 161"

Open a DOS prompt (Windows Key + R, type cmd.exe and enter)

Enter (with the quotes): CD "<installation path>"
So in my case I would enter:
CD "E:\Games\Emulation\Mame\Mame 161"

If you did not install on the C: drive, enter the letter of the drive
following by colon. In my case I installed on the E drive, so I would enter

Enter: mame64 -createconfig

This will create a mame.ini file. Open this file using notepad.

Find the section where it says "rompath". It should have a value that
says "roms". Replace this with the path to your mame roms. In my case
it's "F:\Games\Emulation\Mame\roms"

[image: Inline image 1]

Find the section where it says "CORE MISC OPTIONS"

Use the values outlined here:
[image: Inline image 3]

The cheats are for when you want to select a stage without having to play
through the game, but that's optional.

Save the file.

Enter mame64 at the command prompt. It will load a list of games in your
Roms folder. Type the name of the game you want. *Pay very careful
attention to the abbreviated name!* eg. For Super Street Fighter II Turbo,
it's "ssf2t". For the Japanese version it's 'ssf2ta'. Again, remember
this name. It's very important.

Select the game you want and press Enter.

Set the controls. (Tab brings up the menu).

Insert coins and Press 1 and 2 to start players 1 and 2. Select the
characters you want.

When the game starts, position the characters suitably (ie. Corner,
Midscreen etc). Build super meter if necessary.

*Press Shift-F7 followed by 1*

Congrats. Your setup is now complete. Press escape to quit back to the
DOS prompt.

Enter "mame64 <name of game> -state 1 -record <name of game>" (without

So for the Japanese version of ST, it will be:
mame64 ssf2ta -state 1 -record ssf2ta

This will load up the game and put you exactly where you saved that state,
and it will record all your inputs.

Try your combo. If you fail, press escape and then press F3 (or UP) in
the DOS box and then Enter (reruns the previous command).

Repeat until satisfied. Once you are satisfied with your combo, press
escape, then run this command (note the bolded part):
mame64 ssf2ta -state 1 -*playback* ssf2ta

It's worth testing that this works *before *spending ages trying to land
a combo.

If you're satisfied with your work, press escape and run this command:
mame64 ssf2ta -state 1 -*playback* ssf2ta -aviwrite combo.avi

Let it run until you've recorded everything you want, then press escape.
This will create an UNCOMPRESSED video file in the folder "snap". Beware,
it writes at around 20MB per second of video.

The beauty of this method is that once you're satisfied with recording,
you don't even need to create an AVI yourself. Just zip up the savestate,
inputs and nvram files and send it to someone else and they can record it
on their side because it will play back perfectly.

PNG image

PNG image

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