[chaoscope] Re: Features planned for version 0.3 and beyond

  • From: Axone Man <axoneman01@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: chaoscope@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 08 Jun 2004 00:10:45 +0200

Hello every chaoscope users

Some reflections along the mail

Chaoscope a écrit :

... snip

1- There shall be three different file formats.

The idea behind this is to let the user creates his own view settings
(including gradients, light sources, etc.) and reuse them for different
attractors. If this seems a bit too complicated, you can forget about
separate view and attractor files and only worry about project files.

Full project files will allow two interesting features : batch rendering (already discussed in the mailing list) and the ability to change the Solid mode lights color and position, by editing the project file. (there won't be any UI for that in 0.3, it will come later)

All this feel very very interesting. It permits a great versatility.

Now, about view resizing and zooming, if you've used Photoshop, Paint
Shop Pro or any similar graphic package, Chaoscope will behave the same
way : The view window will be resizable and when the view doesn't fit
within the window, scrollbars will be appear. You will also be able to
zoom in and out (25%, 50%, 200%, 400%, etc.). The difference between
zoom and scale is zooming will be possible on a rendered view. Also,
zooming won't affect the final image like scaling does.
Changing the size of the view will be possible, i.e. the size combo
boxes in the view palette will eventually work. We can also think of an "Auto-Fit" feature, where the view will be zoomed dynamically to fit within the window.

All these features are pleasant ;-)

Other low development cost features :
- Intensity/color of the Solid mode specular highlights as a parameter.
- Ability to change background/attractor colors in Gas and Liquid mode.

Not in solid mode ? (bakground color)

- Default directories saved in Preferences.
- More properties (view position and angle) and read only properties (attractor fractal dimension and Lyapunov exponent)

Other features planned for 0.4 up to 1.0, in no particular order :
- Undo
- Colored preview for Light and Plasma
- Export attractor as a POV-Ray include file (any other format needed?)

For 3d export, may be the "universal" (hum...) DXF format. This way, all models can be exported from Chaoscope to all major CAD software (Bryce, Cinema4DXL, Rhinoceros, Autocad of course, and many many others). VRML could be also envisaged even if I don't find it very usefull. POV is a very good idea because of it's texture possibility and it's wonderfull rendering engine. An other largely used format is 3DS.

- Attractor quantisation (reduce the number of points by a few orders of magnitude without affecting its shape, useful for exporting to POV-Ray)

Please, allow it's not an automatic feature cause I'm ready to wait one complete day to obtain the picture I want ;-)

- Possibility to save Z-buffer and Alpha buffer

Saving Z-buffer would be a great feature too. With this, everybody can generate SIRDS and see the ensemble in a stereoscopic view without needing special glasses. I can't see what you mean by alpha buffer, a kind of luminance channel, alpha channel?

- Color editor (built-in, not Windows standard dialog)

You like challenges ;-)

- Gradient editor
- More gradient operations (Blend, Difference, etc.)
- Light editor, interface to position lights in Solid mode
- Graphic editor for IFS (equivalent to XenoDream and Apophysis)
- Many more equations (Chaotic flow, Flames, etc.)
- Plugin SDK for user equations
- Features I've forgotten you will remind me about

Wonderfull planning !!! As requested feature, I'd appreciate an
"autonaming" one. When I save my picture, I usualy save the parameter
file too. So, would it be possible to autoname my parameter file with
the picture name? This name is used when you refresh the window, just
after saving. Or a naming convention like Chaos2004-06-06-xxx with xxx
being the picture or attractor number of the day, like in Apo. Or an
autosave mode: when I save a picture, Chaoscope automatically saves the
parameter file with the adequate name. It's obviously not a must-do
feature ;-)

Kind regards,

Nicolas Desprez

And now a little picture. Just a L84. 500 000 000 iterations in just a
quarter of an hour. I used PSP to enhance it a lot with autocorrection.
Is it allowed to post such pictures with light post processing or only
"pure" chaoscope pictures? If you prefer "pure" ones, just tell it.

Have FUN !!! ... and it's easy with Chaoscope ;-)

Axone Man

JPEG image

attractor {
        type lorenz_84
        parameters <3.204, 0.041, 5.444, 1.455,

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