[cad-linux] Re: CADAM on Linux!

  • From: "Jeffery C. May" <JeffMay@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: cad-linux@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: 09 Aug 2003 21:44:29 -0400

Not yet.  Historically I've used Wine for running Quicken Deluxe 99. I
was the treasurer of our church for about five years and I was reticent
to switch to something else knowing that 1) I was probably the only one
that doesn't use Windows and 2) I planned to not do that job for the
rest of my life.

I've only started exploring CADAM again in the past couple of days. I've
had a wild hair about building robots using PVC pipe for the frame, but
it's been mostly stagnant for about a year. Now that I've got my
computer working again (had upgrade headaches), I thought I'd give it
another go, and started looking for CAD systems to help me make drawings
(I'm notoriously lazy, and hand drafting/sketching was right out ;).  I
really would like something 3D capable like AutoCAD so I can build
models to fit-check things before I build, but it's fun to go back and
play with CADAM again.

On Sat, 2003-08-09 at 21:27, phrostie wrote:
> have you contacted www.winehq.com?
> they have a database of apps that run on wine.
> i(and a few others) picked on them until they gave CAD apps their own section.
> send 'em  a copy of the screenshot.

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