[bookport] Re: bookport suggestion

  • From: "Kevin Jones" <kevin@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <bookport@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 15 Nov 2005 01:49:17 -0600

It's off topic, but unless you have to do serious typing, you can use the
pocket pc and Mobile Speak without an external keyboard; also there are some
very compact portable Bluetooth keyboards that open up to full size when you
need them. 

-----Original Message-----
From: bookport-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:bookport-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx]
On Behalf Of Josh and LuAnn
Sent: Friday, November 11, 2005 10:25 AM
To: bookport@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [bookport] Re: bookport suggestion

yeah but then with mobilespeak pocket don't you have to carry around a
qwerty keyboard?
And the last time I played around with a pacmate with a braille keyboard it
was slow in responding to key presses and things like that.


> ----- Original Message -----
>From: David Tanner <david-tanner@xxxxxxxxxxxx
>To: bookport@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
>Date: Thu, 10 Nov 2005 23:41:37 -0600
>Subject: [bookport] Re: bookport suggestion

>Can we be a bit more general about your request and say have a transfer
software that will work on Mobile Windows PC 2003 or later, including Mobile
2005.  MobileSpeak Pocket has just released a version of their software that
will run on the new IPAQ's that are running the new Mobile 2005 operating
system, which is newer than the operating system on the PACMate.

>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Wstephan@xxxxxxxxxxxxx" <wstephan@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
>To: <bookport@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
>Sent: Thursday, November 10, 2005 6:23 PM
>Subject: [bookport] Re: bookport suggestion

>: Well, my suggestion is a bit different.
>: I'd like for someone to develop transfer software that could run on a Pac
Mate.  Bill Stephan
>: Kansas City, MO
>: (816)803-2469
>: Email: Wstephan@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
>: S -----Original Message-----
>: .From: "DanFlasar@xxxxxxx"<DanFlasar@xxxxxxx
>: .Sent: 11/10/05 2:34:08 PM
>: .To: "bookport@xxxxxxxxxxxxx"<bookport@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
>: .Subject: [bookport] Re: bookport suggestion
>: .
>: .I'll have to agree with Dave here. I love my Bookport - it's versatility
>: .keeps showing up in unexpected ways.  I was working out yesterday on a
>: .when the I finished the book I was reading ("Vancouver" - available
>: .Bookshare - a Mitchener-esque history of the city of Vancouver -
>: .Instead of having to change a tape (assuming I'd had the  foresight to
>: .a tape for another book or magazine, I just went to the  index and chose
>: .among 20 other books I'd downloaded from Bookshare.  I  chose "Me Talk
>: .One Day" by David Sedaris.   It's like having a  little library with me
at all
>: .times.
>: .    I have a Parrot Voicemate as a PDA which works fine for  me.  I'm
>: .with the Bookport providing the functions it does.  I  see it as a
>: .reading machine.  I'd love to have better voice  capabilities, and I do
get a
>: .little annoyed at hearing St. Louis pronounced as  Street Louis, but I
get what it
>: .means.  If anything, I'd like to see it  take on some Kurzweil
>: .characteristics.  For example, I'd like to have a  dictionary on-board,
which could be
>: .automatically cross-referenced to a book I'm  reading.
>: .    For example, if I heard a word that I'm not familiar  with, I'd like
>: .be able to key to the word, hit a key combo and get a  definition for
>: .    Not asking for much, am I?
>: .Dan
>: .
>: .

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