[AR] Re: Earth shattering kaboom.

  • From: Henry Spencer <hspencer@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: Arocket List <arocket@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 12 Aug 2019 18:39:08 -0400 (EDT)

On Mon, 12 Aug 2019, Henry Vanderbilt wrote:

...Despite all the nuke-ramjet hysteria, amplified by pig-ignorant reporting, I still think the simplest explanation is the Russians somehow thought it was a good idea to use some sort of RTG(s?) for auxiliary power (or heat?) (or measurement instrument rad source?) in an otherwise conventional-propulsion storeable-biprop missile, then had a really bad day with the storeable biprop part.

One possible reason for having small RTGs in such a system is the safety/security angle. Some US PALs (Permission Action Links, the electronic combination locks that prevent unauthorized use of nuclear weapons) reportedly use tiny RTGs so that the circuitry's power source can be buried within the protected volume, out of reach of tampering -- this being one reason why there are occasional cryptic references to Pu-238 having important non-spacecraft uses.

If the Russians were planning something similar to provide positive political control of the delivery system of a new/updated strategic weapon, that could explain the presence of small amounts of radioactives in an otherwise non-nuclear rocket.

(And there is some reason for wanting positive control of the delivery system: launching a bunch of ballistic missiles is a deeply provocative act, which might have disastrous consequences even if all of the warheads are duds. So controlling arming of the warheads arguably is not enough.)

(the other) Henry

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