[argyllcms] Re: dispcalGUI v0.1 beta

  • From: Florian Höch <lists+argyllcms@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: argyllcms@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 13 Oct 2008 14:52:17 +0200

Hello Frédéric,

the next version is almost ready (with all the suggested features in :) - only profile verification will still be missing, but I'll leave that for a later version). Currently I still want to improve the build system. When that is done, I'll release.



Frédéric schrieb:
Le 20/8/2008, "Frédéric" <frederic.mantegazza@xxxxxxxxxxx> a écrit:

Ok, here some comments...

1) Our first problem was to be able to display patches on the screen2,
but using the LUT of screen1. This is because the nvidia driver does not
have a LUT per screen. Graeme added an option which allow that (using -d
2,1). That's where python is nice: it took use less than a minute to
make a (hugly) patch in the source ;)

To correct that in a nice way, you just need to add a second combobox
with all screens entries, like for choosing the screen where patches go,
but for choosing the screen to use for the LUT.

2) Then, some requested features:

- add a full-screen checkbox to automatically extend the patch to the
entire screen (-p param)
- add a 'install last calibration' button, to avoid the need to open
teh file selector
- let the GUI open during measures, and put Argyll feedback in the GUI
(this may require some little moifications of Argyll to have a better
interaction between it and the GUI).
- add all stuff to generate the .ti1 file from the GUI (already planned)
- add the possibility to generate the profile (using colprof) from the
ti3, with different parameters.

Any news about this nice software? Did you make some modifications since
the 0.1 beta?


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