[arachne] Re: DOS only or?

  • From: "Udo Kuhnt" <048321887-0001@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: arachne@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 09 May 2008 13:08:50 +0000

Arachne at FreeLists---The Arachne Fan Club!

> I don't know about this one. I can't remember memory ever being an issue for
> me on any system except the 640k in dos, windows, and memory leaks. Maybe I've
> always had more than I needed. But linux runs fine on my 486. I'm not sure how
> much ram it has. But even my c64 has 4mb!

Must be a great feeling to use Geos or Koala painter with that much
memory! ;-)

Well, my notion is that the OS has to manage the system resources so
that applications can use them. It simply doesn't make sense to me to
buy a lot of main memory, a large harddisk or a fast CPU just to feed it
to the OS.

> Which office suite?

Ghostwriter 1.5; that is the only one I use. A fantastic program that is
totally mouse-driven and supports full WYSWIG, unlike most other word
processors for DOS.

> And which programs are you trying to run? Is it a matter
> of there not being similar programs that run in linux or you want the specific
> DOS programs to run in linux?

DOS programs, of course. There is not even a Linux version for one in
hundred programs I use, and even if there was, I wonder if it would be
worth it. Mind that most of the software I am using is commercial, so it
is not a matter of simply downloading the Linux version just to try how
it runs.

Also, I am really not that much interested in Linux. To me, it is a tool
that I use for specific tasks, and not more, just like I would use an
excavator to dig a hole but not to go shopping or when I am going on
vacation. ;-)



-- The DR-DOS/OpenDOS Enhancement Project - http://www.drdosprojects.de

-- This mail was written by a user of The Arachne Browser - http://arachne.cz/
                  Arachne at FreeLists                  
-- Arachne, The Premier GPL Web Browser/Suite for DOS --

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