[arachne] Re: DOS only or?

  • From: "Udo Kuhnt" <048321887-0001@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: arachne@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 09 May 2008 12:42:15 +0000

Arachne at FreeLists---The Arachne Fan Club!

> I think that's more indicative that DOS simply can't do everything
> people need it to do.

Neither can Linux, or any other OS I have ever heard of.

> So... *most* unix/Linux users are not also DOS users even though it
> might seem so judging by the microcosm of this mailing list. ;-)

Right, and most DOS users are not also Linux users, either. :-)

But all Linux users I met in Real Life are also Windows users, which
probably means that if somebody likes Linux, he also likes Windows.
Mathematically, this implies that if somebody does *not* like Windows,
he also does not like Linux. ;-)

I once met a Linux user who tried to persuade me to switch to Linux. I
asked what I should do with my DOS software then, and he suggested using
VMware. I asked at what speed it would run in VMware, and he told me
that it would at least run at half speed. So I asked him "Why would I
change my OS just to have my software run at half speed?". "To be able
to use Linux, of course!", he answered. So I asked him "And why would I
want to do that?". He didn't know an answer to that question. ;-)



-- The DR-DOS/OpenDOS Enhancement Project - http://www.drdosprojects.de

-- This mail was written by a user of The Arachne Browser - http://arachne.cz/
                  Arachne at FreeLists                  
-- Arachne, The Premier GPL Web Browser/Suite for DOS --

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