[amayausers.com] Re: Needle breaks galore

  • From: webmaster@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • To: amayausers@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 20 May 2008 19:55:48 UT

This message was posted by sewsew7 on AmayaUsers.com. PLEASE DO NOT REPLY VIA 
EMAIL. Instead, respond to the thread on the WEBSITE by clicking here: 

I am sewing on hats, but on the sides of them, so the bill is turned to the 
side and out of the way.  The extra layer of backing and the adhesive spray 
made no difference what so ever, as I feared.  I am using a micro clamp to do 
this, and am well within my hoop limits.  I have just got myself in the habit 
of tracing everything that goes on the machine.  I switched the needle I was 
sewing with, just to see if it was needle specific, and the only difference is 
that the needle didn't snap in half this time, only bent backwards.  Now that I 
am more awake and alert I have been trying to set the needle plate properly, as 
I am almost positive it must be hitting this.  There are a few new scrapes on 
top of the needle plate. I can't for the life of me seem to get the needle to 
stay in this spot when sewing.  Everything looks good, go to sew and again, 
broken needle.  I am going to go and switch the jobs the machines are sewing 
and see if this will help, even just for today.  I have o
 ne machine sewing flats and the other is suppose to be sewing these hat sides. 
 Am hoping to get up and running at some point today.  Thanks to everyone who 
has offered their advice.  I will keep telling myself that I will get through 
this, I will get through this, and if that doesn't work, well, Ed's picture 
should be enough to keep me smiling.


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