[administrating-your-public-servants] Re: ~ The 'rogue' Constitution ~

  • From: Aéius Cercle of Quantum-Note(Law-Division) <Law@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: administrating-your-public-servants@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 6 Jul 2021 12:50:56 -0600

I will be back this evening. For now I only have enough time to quote this as I have to head out the door now:

«As far as I am concerned, whomsoever wrote the above texts (Romans 13.1-4) was a person 'coerced' to so do by the governing authority of the land.  The instigator wished to_use_'religion' as the_means_to intimidate, extort endless wealth and to attain a status of absolute 'grandeur' befitting of a 'God.' No doubt the keepers of the 'book of faith' were told that if they failed to oblige and give the earthly ruler absolute power and authority, that they would be cast into the lion's den.» -Quoted from http://the-testament-of-truth.co.uk/truth/web/caesar.htm (Messiah's writings/typings)

On 7/6/2021 10:53 AM, Charley Dan wrote:

Pastor Arthur stars out well

On Tue, Jul 6, 2021 at 10:30 AM Charley Dan <charleydan@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

    To that their is a system of biblical nature called satanic
    demonic spiritual world to create his kingdom.

    On Tue, Jul 6, 2021 at 10:17 AM <9rocca4@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

        Personally, I believe there are non human intelligences at the
        top of the pyramid.

        On Jul 6, 2021, at 12:13 PM, Charley Dan
        <charleydan@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

        I believe a few rich men which should be charged with treason
        to the world and hung would resolve far more issues as United
        States politicians are their puppet because of greed

        On Tue, Jul 6, 2021 at 9:59 AM <9rocca4@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

            I agree. What should of happened was they should’ve
            stopped at the Declaration of Independence and the
            articles of confederation and we wouldn’t have this

            On Jul 5, 2021, at 10:11 PM, Charley Dan
            <charleydan@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

            They only have exclusive legislating over what they own
            and ten square miles. Read the whole clause.
            So you still paying taxes?, you have a DL?, did you get
            your state national passport? Property taxes? There are
            many that do not and what is your reply to that? I'll
            keep using what has got me and others where we are in
            liberty and the Constitution is the core response we use.

            I'm not trying to convince you as your hell bent
            Determined.  I'm trying to divert others From snake oil

            On Mon, Jul 5, 2021 at 7:59 PM <9rocca4@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

                And here is the proof: The answer to Article1
                Section 8 Clause 17 “ Clause 17. Congress shall have
                power * * * To exercise exclusive Legislation in all
                Cases whatsoever,……”

                This same language years before the Con-stitution
                was adopted, can be found in the Declaratory Act of
                1766 by the Satanic Megalomanic  King George.
                words “exclusive power” or “full power” same thing
                and the kicker “in all cases whatsoever” pretty much
                give away the duplicitous high ranking Masonic
                Federalists. Now why would they do that? We had
                traitors in our midsts in our own back yard. This is
                why they rammed the Con-stitution down our throats
                and Patrick Henry uttered his famous words “I smell
                a rat!” Nothing but double agents working for the
                aristocracy or should I say the Crown. If you fully
                read the article by Tsarion and the Declatory Act it
                can not be denied. We the People. People being
                capitalized makes it a proper noun, a specific group
                of people aka the ARISTOCRACY and not the American
                people. Words have meaning and so does grammar.


                On Jul 5, 2021, at 8:45 PM, Charley Dan
                <charleydan@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

                9rocca4 and others
                we the people is not correct. We the people of the
                United States. The United States got created later.
                Was it a reference to the constitution creating a
                government called the United States? Was it talking
                to those that wanted a government? One has to
                consider the Declaration of independance that
                states. The King does not know how to rule over
                free citizen's. Do free citizens know how to rule
                over themselves  Bottom line is free citizens can
                not be ruled or their not free. They have to be
                treated as kings. So please explain the meaning of
                article 1, section 8, clause 17 then where it
                states that jurisdiction or legislating is over
                what one owns and gives specifically what the
                United States may own. Mainly military items and
                their courts which could also be used by infants.
                For the rest of us it means nothing. TROH and
                others that have not spent time in the courts
                feeling their way around have no right to judge the
                constitution or condemn a judge wether he is
                abiding by the law or not. Our ignorance is not a
                judges fault because ignorance is infancy. TROH and
                others who do this non-sense will probably end up
                with a con-con and then wish they never did.

                On Mon, Jul 5, 2021 at 5:16 PM <9rocca4@xxxxxxxxx>


                    On Jul 5, 2021, at 5:28 PM, Ray Greninger
                    <dmarc-noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

                    T Roh’s logic is internally consistent,
                    provided, he can prove that We The People
                    means just the men we call the founders and
                    their posterity. He offers select evidence but
                    no proof that the guys who were charged with
                    creating a more perfect union and government
                    for The United States of America had nefarious
                    motives when the constitution was written.I
                    have seen no poof of that. We The People could
                    just as easily mean the founders and the
                    people living on the land of whatever state,
                    or it could mean those who fought in the
                    revolution. It could mean quite a few things.

                    On Jul 5, 2021, at 10:51 AM, Just A User Name
                    <sean23jd@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

                    I think the only real answer is to not live
                    here... there seems no accessible way to be
                    truly left alone. I just haven’t found the
                    ‘where’ yet...

                    On Saturday, June 26, 2021, Paul M
                    <dmarc-noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

                        there seem to be 27 states that now allow
                        merchants to put a tax on their products
                        when shipped to another state. When was
                        the USA Constitution modified, someone
                        especially low income states, seemed to
                        disregard the constitution.
                        For years I ordered many items thru
                        catalogs  as the items were now available
                        locally. There was a policy for years
                        that a state could only put on a tax if
                        that item was available locally, as that
                        trade interfered with local business and
                        its taxes. But now with our money hungry
                        states nothing is safe from taxation

                        On Saturday, June 26, 2021, 5:18:03 PM
                        CDT, Don Mashak
                        <dmarc-noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

                        Hello Quantum Note:

                          John Locke on Tyranny (Per Natural Law)

                        Posted on July 4, 2013
                        by Matthew Phillips

                        “199. As usurpation is the exercise of
                        power which another hath a right to, so
                        */tyranny is the exercise of power beyond
                        right/*, which nobody can have a right
                        to; and this is making use of the power
                        any one has in his hands, not for the
                        good of those who are under it, but for
                        his own private, separate advantage. When
                        the governor, however entitled, makes not
                        the law, but his will, the rule, and his
                        commands and actions are not directed to
                        the preservation of the properties of his
                        people, but the satisfaction of his own
                        ambition, revenge, covetousness, or any
                        other irregular passion.”


                        Those were my thoughts.

                        Thank you for your time.

                        In Liberty,
                        Don Mashak
                        The Cynical Patriot

                        On Saturday, June 26, 2021, 6:32:44 AM
                        CDT, law@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
                        <law@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

                        *Note :* One of the South Dakota
                        Supreme-Court Judges ruled within the
                        last few years that «taxes» for «on-line
                        purchases» is some-how «constitutional»
                        (/obvious/ blatant FRAUD and DECEPTION),
                        but, with a «ruling» like /THAT/, I have
                        every reason to regard such a mere
                        mortal-earthly «judge» as being someone
                        who has a SEVERE «mental-illness» (as
                        with just about /anybody else/ who
                        believes in «taxing» every damn thing
                        under the god-forsaken sun). The Messiah,
                        quoting his writings as written for God
                        unto the «disgraceful» so-called
                        human-race here, most-certainly
                        /disagrees/ that /anything/ (or any/one/)
                        should be «taxed» for /any/ reason.
                        Speaking of South Dakota corruption,
                        /before/ I get to «quoting» The Messiah's
                        writings, this piece was written by a
                        Nick Reid back in 2018CE, see the
                        although that site does not seem to have
                        been updated since that year...

                        /*~ The 'rogue' Constitution ~*/

                        /*All*must try and see that the
                        'Constitution' is itself a//'rogue
                        elephant'//document inspired through
                        greed and vanity
                        and//_imposed_//by//'force of arms'//upon
                        the people of every land by//'war
                        lords'//posing as//_benign_//'Lords of
                        the Manor.'/

                        /Thus its 'observance' and 'upliftment'
                        Constitution_.*//It is

                        /The 'Constitution' is what 'cedes'_the
                        ownership_of the lands & seas of_God and
                        the people_into the 'hands' of these
                        'Lords of the Manor,' who - - -
                        thus//_seized_//control of all that
                        belongs to_God_that is
                        God's//*free*//gift to_all_humanity, and
                        who then, to maintain their 'ownership'
                        and control of*_it_*they used
                        the*_gun_*and - - -//_enforced_//their
                        perceived right to an annual
                        'squatters'//tithe//_using_their Court

                        /This illegal//'seizure'//also enables
                        the 'System' via its 'lackeys' to extract
                        a 'percentage' of all monies earned or
                        pre-earned from the people of the
                        land_using_//'force of arms'//in a

                        /Yes, you all_become_squatters with no
                        'legal' tenure over_any_land, and if you
                        do not//'slave'//and pay up every 'drop'
                        of sweat and blood//_demanded_//as
                        their//'due,'//then you are evicted off
                        the God given acre by said 'Institution'
                        via*_its_*local Council 'acts' and left
                        to roam homeless and destitute./

                        /The 'State' enforcement
                        officers_are_the'//rogues'//_out of
                        control_as they arrogantly on duty
                        stroll, unknowingly doing their
                        the//Retributioner,//the*Dark Sovereign
                        Power*who 'awaits' to place_them_in HIS
                        dark vault for_their_//'conduct unbecoming.'/

                        /The 'elevation' of_any_Constitution
                        by*_its_*imposition upon the community
                        not only//'steals'//all the land and
                        forests, but it also
                        'assumes'_ownership_of all roads, rivers,
                        flora and fauna_and_fish in the seas./

                        /Thus any person seeking to 'partake' of
                        this 'produce' of the_King_, - - - who in
                        fact is the*Dark Sovereign
                        Power*operating through the greed and
                        vanity of the worldly 'Lords of the
                        manor'_posing_as a//benign//System, - - -
                        are//_forced_//to pay a licence
                        fee//'tithe'//in advance or_starve_./

                        /Thus it is imperative to now
                        'seize'_your_God of Light
                        purely//peaceful//non-action by
                        non-payment of_any_demands made upon you
                        by any person, or any person working_as_a
                        'lackey' for any//_punitive_//'governing'


                        /"Let it here be known that any
                        'Constitution' of any Institution of man
                        that contains_any_rules that permit
                        'extortion' by taxation or, - - - any
                        rule that allocates God's land or sea or
                        flora or fauna or fish or birds away from
                        God's children and into 'ownership' of
                        any governing Institution or, - - -/

                        /any rule that permits any person the
                        right to arrest, kidnap, terrorise,
                        evict, abuse, punish, or kill any other
                        or, - - - any rule that contravenes the
                        Code of Conduct of God as stipulated
                        within God's Constitution is deemed by
                        God to be 'unconstitutional' and, - - -
                        its 'officers' and supporters will be
                        punished by God for failing to observe
                        God's Command and Commandment."/

                        /It follows that any legislation
                        enacted_subsequent_to the 'elevation' of
                        any governing Constitution is
                        also_false_legislation that was
                        also//_imposed_//upon the community./

                        /It is now the time for all to 'forgo'
                        the//false//religious 'belief'
                        that//controls & regulates &
                        punishes//that is_presently_perceived as
                        a//'good'//daily living way. It is_not_./

                        /It is the time for_all_to change their
                        religious belief to one that_follows_and
                        heeds//*God's*//'Constitutional way,' so
                        that//Peace & love & forgiveness
                        &_free_giving//_becomes_ones 'living way'
                        each day./

                        *-Quoted from*

                        *P.S./Off-Topic :* From the looks of
                        things, I can at least access this e-mail
                        account via a web-mail interface, but, I
                        still have my hands tied (metaphorically)
                        for a variety of reasons, thus, I will
                        still need to keep my
                        limited, for now.

-- This communication is meant for private
                    communication only. If you are not the
                    intended recipient, please delete without
                    saving any email, information or attachments.
                    Any use is prohibited.

-- Life in one word--LOVE

-- Life in one word--LOVE

-- Life in one word--LOVE

-- Life in one word--LOVE

Life in one word--LOVE

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