[24hoursupport] Re: Monitor won't turn on

  • From: Lene Pagsuguiron <lpagsugu@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: 24hoursupport@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 23 Dec 2002 21:34:33 -0800 (PST)


I do not think I would have it still plugged when I changed the RAM.  However, 
I DID still have it plugged when I was checking to see if they were seated 

Also, I mentioned having mishandled the memory.  If I had accidentally dropped 
it on a carpet, then picked it up and stuck it back in the computer, would that 
have damaged the MB?  I also wasn't thinking and laid the memory on top of the 
case.  It might have been damaged through that, too, I think.  If I had fried 
the MB through static, I would've felt it right?  I made sure that I grounded 
myself by touching the metal case.

I feel so stupid.  I even have a wristband for these kinds of things.  >_<

Just one word of caution. Be careful about how much money you put into
this thing. I'm not convinced a processor is going to fix it. Did you
have this thing plugged in when you changed the RAM? If so, you could
have fried the MB. If not, did you take any precaution's to prevent a
static charge while changing the RAM? Personally I think you are
treading on the outer edge between fixing it or turning it into a boat


Lene Pagsuguiron 
msanthropickat v3.0

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