[sac-board] Re: [EVAC Cabinet 2005] All Arizona this or that

  • From: AJ Crayon <acrayon@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: sac-board@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 18 Apr 2005 17:51:55 -0700

I'm coming into this disucssion rather late because my e-mail at work is
subject to review for relevance.  So, to avoid any potential problems I
don'tread personal e-mail while at work - besides, I don't have that much
spare time.  Now to the topic at hand.

I'm not sure why the topic has surfaced or its reasoning.  If it is for
historical purposes, then let's get facts correct.  My thanks to Dean K for
putting us on the correct track.  The switch was made a long time ago from
TAAA to EVAC so the AASP could have a more central location and be
attractivefor more observers.  That decision has proved to be an excellent
move.  Perhaps someone can review old SAC and EVAC newsletters to see if it
can be determine when the switch was made from TAAA to EVAC.

Randy P has succinctly pointed out why I chaose "All Arizona" for the MM. 
Itwas to interest more than just SAC.  The SAC Messier Marathons were hosted
back in the early 1980's and represented only those members.  The name was
changed to AAMM to include EVAC, TAAA and some other smaller organizations
throught out the state that were just getting started.  Some of those
organizations have flourished, CAS and Sirius Lookers.

The first AAMM was held in 1993 and for more information see 

http://www.seds.org/messier/xtra/marathon/results.html[1] ; 

It is also exciting to note that both star parties continue to be well
represented and is something which we should be proud of.
  Just my tardy two cents,

--- Links ---
   1 http://www.seds.org/messier/xtra/marathon/results.html

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