[windows2000] Re: sysprep

  • From: "Chris Berry" <compjma@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: windows2000@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 12 May 2003 13:01:25 -0700

>From: "George Lemos" <listreader@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
>Chris, let me tell you that as of the last 30 - 40 days I have started
>playing with red hat. Not because I really want to, I would be more then
>happy to stick with MS. But from a professional stand point I think it 
>be good for me to know some Linux

I started looking at linux because it's free, and with my budget that's a 
good thing.

>I have come across a few side jobs for
>small offices where I could have gotten away with 2-3 PII's and made a
>decent network for file sharing, printing, etc and that's all they would
>need but they were low on the budget and didn't even want to spend enough
>for MS SBS.

When you're small, every dollar counts.

>But as of right now, I really don't care much for working with
>Linux. Yeah I am getting by on it and I will use it when its appropriate 
>man, I feel so more comfortable working with windows servers. I run XP Pro
>at home, and W2K pro at my office, and I don't see any reason why people
>shouldn't use them. But that's just my opinion.

At first it's a serious pain, everything is configurable, so you must 
configure everything, also it's difficult to install software quickly.  Once 
you start getting used to it though the power and reliability will shock you

>I've been pretty excited
>playing around with 2003 server. But it could be I'm just high on the
>propaganda after going to the launch event in Atlanta this past week. :-)
>I will admit, I feel its too expensive (licensing) and activation drives me

I find Microsofts trend towards total lockdown very alarming.  Vendor 
lock-in and inability to customize are not things on my good list.  I like 
win2k alot but I don't think I'm going to be sticking with them for newer 

Chris Berry
Systems Administrator
JM Associates

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