[UHNA] Re: Last Night

  • From: "ailas@xxxxxxxxx" <ailashochat@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: uhna@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 29 Nov 2006 14:24:04 -0500

It happened to me also yesterday about 4PM, when I was comig home. He asked
money, and he said he can work for it. Day before he asked money from my
husband, when he was outside. He thinks, the man is one  of the Chandler
family, they live on Probasco st. They have a long criminal history.
Probasco ct

On 11/29/06, Mercedes <mercedes@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

--- University Hights Neighborhood Association - NET Message

Last night a little before 7:00 pm there was a knock at my door.  It was a
white male, mid twenties, short blonde hair, thin, wearing an oversized
sweatshirt with stains.  He motioned for me to open my door but I did not.
Shortly there after I head a noise in the back of my house.  I called the
police and they checked out the property and determined that the house was
safe.  However, they were glad that I called b/c they had received the
type of call on Monday evening.  So far no one has opened there door so
police are not really sure what the young man is after.  However please be
careful and if you do see anything please call district 5.

Cincinnati Police, District Five at 352-3578


--- End

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