[trh] Re: Can we talk? Ok...how about RvR night?

  • From: "Terry Erickson" <terickson@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <trh@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 15 May 2002 09:15:55 -0600

I'll respond to my thoughts on these situations and suggestions.

1. We should encourage everyone to camp at the portal the night before. It
just makes no sense to wait for people who are riding from Gna. I believe
this is part of the alliance rules/suggestions.

2. Our alliance is so large now, it is too much for one person to lead, make
groups, invite to group chat, answer questions. I would suggest that the
event leader do just that: lead. Another person should do nothing but handle
the invites to group chat. And I think we should have another person to make
the groups. This person should stand away from the crowd, and when people
arrive they go to this individual first and get their assignments. This also
means that all group leaders should be there BEFORE the start time.
2a.Bobnesta:Raid leader needs one sidekick I think.  That person can run
chat and groups since once both are setup they arent too bad to maintain,
and it is one less than the 3 peeps so less confusing.

3. For almost every event except perhaps keep raids, we should leave on
time. Ok, I know everyone has different ideas about this. And you see it in
real life. Some people are never on time, and don't see what the fuss is
about. Others are always on time, and don't understand why everyone else
can't be punctual too. Hehe, some couples fight about this all the time. But
regardless of your personal feelings, we have to do better than 40 minutes,
which is about what it was last might before we actually walked out of the
keep into the frontier.

3a.Bobnesta:I suggest scehduling a rally time 30 minutes prior to the raid
as well as raid time.  Until folks get more used to being on time, we can
spam /as with "we leave in x minutes, if your late you will have to catch
second wave".  Also, ask each guild's officers to explain this to their
guild. Also, there will always be folks rollign in late, so we should setup
our raids to do two things.  Ex. 8pm hit Supply Keep.  then pickup
stragglers, then Keep2 or rvr, then stragglers again in 30 min etc.

4. My suggestion for point #3 is this: the person who is making groups is
there early enough to be sure to have everyone present assigned to a group
by start time. Then the leader, who has not been burdened with other tasks,
starts the event with who is there. No ifs, ands, or buts. And the person
assigning groups remains at the start point. Yeah, this will be hard, but I
will volunteer to do this if no one else will .
4a.Bobnesta: Already covered in 3a.

5. As people arrive late, the group leader forms new groups and gets them
ready for joining the main group as soon as possible. This means the event
leader is not trying to run through the frontier and be putting people in
groups at the same time. It is just too demanding a task and slows the event
down. Once the raid group leaves the keep, they should not be worrying about
anyone else but remain focused on the raid. This is why one person has to
remain behind to take care of late comers.
5a.Bobnesta: I do not suggest anyone staying behind, but instead assign the
first late comer to gather others who are late to him so we can pick them
all up easily.

6. If this is an RvR event, the leader should try to get the first group
into action as soon as possible. The reason for this is so that those
waiting will not have to wait longer than necessary to join the main group.
Sooner or later, we usually get a wipe, and then everyone heads back and the
waiting groups join in. Note: they are all ready and nothing has to be done
except just have them jump in. In the event that we are too awesome for
everyone we meet in RvR, we can plan to swing back at a specific time and
get the new groups that way. Either way, the person in charge of group
assignments would join in with the second wave of folks.
6a.Bobnesta: Already covered.

7. Everyone should bind at Hug. Now, I know that Hag might be closer for
those that have speed, but if we all wipe and all are bound at Hug, we will
all arrive back at the portal within a minute or two of each other, and we
will not have the problem with some groups being split and having to wait.
7a.Bobnesta: I am assuming this has been timed to be true.  I have speed so
I get back faster from Hagg.  I dont think this is an issue except when peep
forget to bind at either.  I pickup groupmates in Hagger to run em out, but
eitherway, the only time the whole group is not there pronto, is when folks
forget to bind at either place.  Maybe post bind suggestion with raid title.

8. Anyone that comes after the second group of folks join in, would give a
tell to the person doing group assignments and they would decide the best
action based on the current situation.
8a.Bobnesta: Agree

If this could be done, in those 40 minutes we waited last night, we could
have perhaps gotten several battles in, even with a wipe on the first one.
One thing we learned this weekend is that a small group can get into fights
quickly and have many opportunities for fighting.
Bobnesta: I think that int he future of rvr, we should always include a
keep.  After last night we showed that our alliance can mow down a SK
easily.  So, if we do this, we can then have an ally claim it, and we can
fight with a home base of sorts in enemy lands, and have keep bonus to boot.
It didnt take long, and we have shown we can do this with a first wave while
everyone else is still meandering into the PK.  Then they could meet at our
new home keep and join groups.  If a keep is already under Midgard control,
then we could just work from it instead of PK.
Also, I think Albion's frontier is great for taking keeps without
interference, but last night showed that noone goes there except occasional
scouts and Keep raids, no groups of folks just looking to fight.  So even
though the keeps are harder, we may try going to Hib more for the reward of
Realm Points.

Ok, reply to this email and lets talk about it. Honestly, in my days of
playing EQ and AO, I never saw these kinds of delay. I don't think the game
inherently causes these problems, so lets see what steps we can take to be
better stewards of everyone's time.


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