[slackintosh-users] Re: new Slackintosh user

  • From: DAve <dave.list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: slackintosh-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 01 Mar 2007 12:18:00 -0500

Mikael Andersson wrote:
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DAve wrote:
Marco Bonetti wrote:
On 3/1/07, DAve <dave.list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Tried that this morning first thing, no luck, same failure point. I
copied the kernel that worked from my Linux Kernels folder to
/boot/vmlinux correct?
on a new world you should also modify /etc/yaboot.conf to tell yaboot
where and what boot. unfortunately I don't know what to do on a an
oldworld, aren't there any similar step involved?
I would think, but I can't find much on exactly what should be used in
BootX *after* the install is complete. Lots of info on how to setup
BootX for the installer, not much info on any changes that might be
required after the install is complete, if any.

btw, could it also be that the installer tried to install yaboot,
modifying your OF?

I did an expert install and did not install yaboot. I'll look into the
OF, NetBSD has some very good instructions on resetting/modifying it.



It's booted your kernel - any potential yaboot / OF woes should be over.
All you should need to do is change your kernel parameters in BootX -
keep the (binary) kernel in the appropriate folder on the HFS filesystem
so BootX can find and start it. With an OldWorld Mac, you cannot boot
from a binary kernel on the Linux filesystem unless you somehow manage
to do one of the obscure, largely untested OF hacks on the NetBSD site.

I hate to say this, but if it's not working for you at all, go kernel
hunting again. The Debian kernel may be suitable for installation, but
may be unsuitable now that you have a fully functional root filesystem
with udev support and all the rest of it. One of the kernels you tried
previously, especially a newer one from ppckernel.org, may work better
for you in this case until you get a chance to roll your own.

Good call, I have a kernel from ppckernel.org and I am up and running. So I need to do a bit of looking around. Can anyone suggest URLs for the following?

X on Slackintosh
Kernel build on slckintosh (I am guessing I need to spend an evening on ppckernel.org)

Thanks all for the help. I may just get this thing running.


Three years now I've asked Google why they don't have a
logo change for Memorial Day. Why do they choose to do logos
for other non-international holidays, but nothing for

Maybe they forgot who made that choice possible.

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