[pythian] Re: Release 2.0.6

  • From: "Mircea Teletin (Hotmail)" <thanatos_vs3@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <pythian@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 10 Jul 2002 09:46:57 +0300

Hi Darryl,

Time for me to take a look into the code but for
that I'll need an account and password on the site.
I kindly ask you to provide me one since I'm anctious
to learn and if possible contribute.

Question: what about sound engine ?
I can see that you are all working on a 3D engine.
Do we have a sound engine already?
If not I have some prety nice theory writen about
how to build a sound engine.
The theory is not just about the sound engine but
about a Events engine that includes scripting and
events triggering (like blasts, clicks, steps and things
like this) that make the sound realisticaly linked to
actions that realy happen in the 3D realm of the game.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Darryl Long" <pythianproject@xxxxxxx>
To: <pythian@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Wednesday, July 10, 2002 8:05 AM
Subject: [pythian] Release 2.0.6

> The next release is on the web site.  I was unable to announce this
> before because I couldn't post to the list.  It has maps from Ariel and
> Aaron, both of which are very good to look at (and high poly).  Aaron's
> map has some transparency for the trees, which introduces sorting issues
> we'll fix later.  Enjoy.
> Darryl

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